Hear me out, guys, but I could get behind Ivanka Trump on my monies. Only because looks though. I guess that wasn’t much to hear out.
Hear me out, guys, but I could get behind Ivanka Trump on my monies. Only because looks though. I guess that wasn’t much to hear out.
Y’all, what the fuck is a family bible? Am I alone in my ignorance?
You know who I bet loves this app? This guy:
A+ name, my friend.
This woman is my spirit animal. Zhou, call me.
A+ gif game
Jennifer Aniston and her ex-boyfriend Vince Vaughn are still friends.
but she was wearing jean on jean.
Barcelona had a really good integrated lesbian club scene with the boys, and some SUPER HOT women. I second that the south of France (particularly Nice) was less-than-friendly.
Dang, I got 3/10 and I find that embarrassing. WHO GOT 10/10?!
I NEED THIS. I don’t know hair stuff, how does one accomplish this? Is this a modern-day perm?
Paul Rudd looks the same as he did in Clueless one bazillion years ago. I do not understand this.
Gurl, what about Elizabeth Banks and those high waisted rainbow jeans? Sign me up.
THIS. so much this.
can i ask a question? am i allowed to watch this show despite terrence howard? because he is a total garbage person and the reason i have abstained from watching the show as of yet. i don’t know if i could watch him on my teevee without wanting to punch it. is the show worth it?
Alright, I’ll concede that Amy has Tina beat as far as delivery goes, and she does seem warmer. When it comes down to it, I suppose I’d rather hang out with Amy. However, I still think 30 Rock was one of the best shows on TV, ever, and Parks & Rec was just alright after the first few seasons. Look at us compromising!
You shut your dirty mouth! I love Amy Poehler as well, but you can’t say that Parks & Rec was better than 30 Rock. Just no way in hell. When it comes to writing, Tina has Amy beat. At least, in my opinion.
The women’s Brasil team already does it
I think we just became best friends.