cruisin' b. anthony

I must say that I am disappointed in the Jez community. So many of these posts in the comments section are about how people don’t get hungover because they don’t really drink. NERDS!

as a baltimore resident, i too have met him. i can confirm that he’s a real fucking peach. he’s basically the best person we could have to represent our city.

the woman that wrote the article on solo describes herself as a “biscuit maker” before a writer, so that tells us everything we need to know, i think.

I’m a Baltimore resident. First off, O’Malley is a terrible public speaker and just looks like a total bozo every time he opens his mouth. He did get some progressive legislation passed (gay marriage, repealing the death penalty), but to be clear, he was against gay marriage until he realized he wanted to run for

should this go to shade court?

Madeleine, I think you’re my spirit animal [person]. All of this speaks to me. I’ve feared that this day would come. FUCK low rise jeans and FUCK YOU, Vogue.


gurl, already have it.

i kind of love kesha, and i don’t care who knows it.

i’d argue that ben carson is the worst.

Now playing

Mosby has done well as SA so far. She has had several high profile cases that she has handled swiftly and appropriately. Also, her husband is a city council member and gave this AMAZING interview to a Fox news correspondent:

Unfortunately, I can’t answer that. I wish I had the remedy, however.

See above. Total bozo.

Honey, no. SRB is a total bozo. She also called the rioters “thugs” in a press conference.

Now playing

Mosby has been great since taking office. She has had several high profile cases in the city and has handled them swiftly and appropriately. Also, her husband is a city council member and gave this AMAZING interview to a Fox news correspondent:

every time i think “i can’t love this man any more than this,” he goes and does something like this. jesus christ.

that was certainly a contributing factor.

i live in baltimore and i will tell you what happened. a bunch of high school kids had a “purge.” they set fire to a lot of cars and buildings (including a senior housing building that was being built), looted stores, caused a lot of fucking destruction, and threw rocks and bricks at cops. i also saw a video of cops

fuck. i live in baltimore, and i wish that people from outside of this city would stop acting like they know what the fuck is going on. i strongly support the protest movement that brings to light police brutality in this city that i love. however, the people that took to the streets last night were NOT protesters, as

I guess she was asking for it, wearing that wimple and all.