
I am pro Warren as well. And I think she’s actually a more pragmatic choice than Biden. Bernie fans like her, swing voters like her (I read something recently that said she’s getting a lot of pull from former Trump voters), she has strong economic policy and background without sacrificing identity politics ...

He doesn’t have to get it. He’s the front runner. He can be handsy, he can attack Anita Hill (and get his wife to tell Hill to get over it), he can promote mass incarceration and none of that is going to change the fact that people still think that he’s what the party needs. 

Smh, for as “progressive” as California is (or at least thinks it is), we still have one of the most brutal and racist CJ systems in the country. 

Billy Porter is a goddamned treasure. 

I don’t really bring “love” into the discussion when talking about LGBTQ+ people. I just point out the many way a person can be attracted to other people. I know this article is about LGBTQ+ families specifically, but I think LGBTQ+ people who don’t ascribe to heteronormative relationships (like monogamy) often get

Also, who was it that said we should have stop-and-frisk nationwide? Who has consistently sided with police over the shooting of unarmed black men? 

Men have the opposite problem of trying to not look too fashionable ... or at least, to not look like you’re trying to be fashionable. 

I’m a little concerned about forcing lawyers to be PDs. Mostly cos I’m worried they’ll not take it as seriously as they should, and may just end up phoning it in.

Pretty sure Law & Order SVU is why these fans are so convinced they know what happened. 

“will incite anger towards white people, a group which according to him experience high levels of discrimination in America.”

Biden himself recently told voters that Roe is ‘the law of the land, a woman has a right to choose’”

Ugh. Does every game really have to pressure me into playing with other people?

Yeah, need to look into PVP and see how they collect info, and if they take reports from concerned citizens. 

It didn’t when I commented. Glad to see it got the recognition it deserved. 

Damn. Said the same thing. 

If anything, now all of her Klan friends around the country will start a go fund me for her and raises thousands of dollars in her name.

Michael, I legit thought “Kampgrounds of America” was just some clever wordplay by you, until you pointed out that it wasn’t. 

Deserves way more stars. 

In a world where people have said that a woman shouldn’t be present because she’d PMS and nuke people, the whole idea that the one person with dragons (the kind of literal atomic bombs of Westeros) would then become totally hysterical and crazy and burn down an entire city MAY hit just a little too close to home. 

Why can’t women just be satisfied with these consolation prizes we gave them!