
I’ll believe it’s groundbreaking when the characters all quit their jobs as police, take over the 99, and turn it into an anonymous zone. Otherwise, it’s just reworked copaganda.

Sorry to respond so late. The new way the gawker sites load through Facebook on my phone makes kinja very difficult. But yes, agree with everything you said. 

If at this point you aren’t biased in favor of BLM, you’re just wrong. 

If we are talking just favorite? His list isn’t THAT bad. It’s just kind of boring (and I love most of those artists). But I dunno. My favorites are:

Pops is a national treasure. Please God don’t let anything happen to him!

Apparently the “right way” to protest is to look like you’re about to start a full scale insurrection?

“Listen to women!”

And he’s still going to get re-elected ...

I think the French were onto something in 1789. 

Technical issues aside, the livestream was really great. Tori, Alesia, and Umi were awesome! Excited for the next one!

“Jewish people weren’t considered white”

Really working on my doomsday look right now. Beard and hair will be truly inspired by summer. 

Yeah, while Trump bears a good portion of blame here, hospitals have been under equipped for decades. 

But how will we pay for free college or Medicare for all?

It’s also entirely plausible that Madison knew all along that their lifestyles were incompatible and just kept going for her own ... fame? Are these people actually famous outside of a niche market? Whatever. Not the point.

Baby Jesus is very intimidated by boobs. 

I once convinced a drunk dude to stop picking a fight with a bar back by telling him that line about how the best way to defeat an enemy is by making them your friend. He ended up apologizing to the bar back ...

Apparently, it’s harder to have cleavage in high school than to shoot it up.

As I white progressive who voted for Bernie simply because his platform was closest to mine, I hear this. I hear the discussions about how Bernie’s camp (from candidate down to supporter) has treated black voters as a monolith, and how it infantilizes them. I’ve had discussions with white Bernie supporters who did

Yes, but he’s not referencing epidemiologists, he’s saying this is his own hunch. That, is not ok. And also the stuff I’ve read hasn’t minimized the disease, rather urged caution when looking at what current information really says.