
I just can’t...

I’d simply say that if you’re not biased toward civil and human rights, you have no business being amplified in our society. Period. There is no legitimate “other side” to this. You are either for civil and human rights, or you are against them.  Doesn’t even have to be specifically about BLM; in fact, it better be

This will not end with gun control, folks.  Like, whatever helps you sleep at night, but don’t gaslight anyone else.  Ya’ll ain’t ever going to catch me in hypocrisy on this.  I don’t believe in how the 2nd amendment has been interpreted over the last 50-60 years.  Period.  If y’all want helter skelter, then be about

Why is there absolutely nothing in this post about what’s going on with Walker? Who is defending him? 

This is some bull. You know, we have service members who get deployed in to REAL war zones. I know some people don’t like the military but everyone needs one. But those who leave their FOB/COB, know their lives are in danger. They could be surrounded by an angry mob. YET those in uniform do not fire a single round

No-knock raids should be illegal.

I’ll stand for her because often times no one eve stands for black women but us black women.

Video never seems to help much, either.

And conveniently, these cops were not wearing body cams because for some particular reason (thinking emoji) this unit does not. 

Until there's video and audio of this case, the police can cover it up all they want.

Partly right.

Nobody with any sense is wondering where Joe Biden is.

stop right the fuck there.

This. Lets all go au naturel.

These types of discussions are what I loved about grad school! Bringing all of everyone’s disparate bits of knowledge and experience to bear to understand how and why the world works the way it does. Ideally, everyone would be exposed to a dynamic, diverse, rotating cadre of cool people to talk through shit on some

Just because it bears repeating again:

Instagram Influencing is a thing, I guess it can be used for Christians too. Maybe she wants to spread the word about Christ, etc etc. and “witness” to people. My family certainly wanted me to do that (I grew up in the south, went to Auburn too and was supposed to wait until marriage to have sex or I was going to

Yeah, he sucks, use him.   Because Lord knows the women who go on the show and fuck him in the Boom Boom Room...oh, sorry, the Fantasy Suites...are only there with the purest of intentions:  Twitter followers.  *rolls eyes*

You gotta think about our freedom, commie. Guns are freedom. You're making baby Jesus cry.

Ah yes. It’s “compliments”, not harassment, according to him.