
My ex loved acapella and made me listen to them and other terrible youtube acapella groups all the time. That relationship was toxic. I mean, there were many other toxic aspects of that, but the acapella crap was how I imagine 15th century Spanish torture must have been.

A little Ben Wyatt in the making.

Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. Thank you.

I realize that I framed the question very poorly. I was more looking for clarity in whether or not this was some guys saying, “well this is something that could happen.” Or if they found actually inconsistencies, because I was confused on that part. Fortunately, people we’re able to clarify.

Well, I mean, if you insist ...

Yes I read the article. I guess I just didn’t understand it properly. Fortunately lots of people have explained it, and now I have a better understanding of how the situations are different.

I meant specifically every liberal who is lambasting what is happening in NC, not every liberal period. Sorry I miswrote it that way.

Yeah, thanks. Between this and talking it over with friends, I can see the differences.

So, while I would love to see the dethroning of Trump ... how is this different than what the governor of North Carolina is doing right now, that every liberal (including myself) is lambasting as an affront to democracy? Or the rhetoric we criticized Trump for throwing around before the election?

As someone else pointed out with a wiki link, this is a well-researched phenomena. That’s why they teach you in First Aid/CPR classes to address specific people and assign them specific tasks when looking for assistance. Don’t simply say, “call 911" but point to a specific person and tell them to call 911.

And he just got his head bounced again. Why the hell would you run him like that in that play?? He shouldn’t have even gone back into this game. WHY ARE THE CHIEFS TRYING TO KILL ALEX SMITH????

He should not be back in this game. He could barely stand after the hit.

It’s in both. I use to get asked all the time if I was from the Missouri side, or the Kansas side.

This is the same inane argument people were making with Brett Favre years ago.

Basketball starts tonight.

Except the original Wonder Woman was sexualized as well. It was, on one hand an important aspect of the feminist movement that Marsten was trying to comment on (that and he was a bondage fetishist).

I’m not sure this is what your talking about, but. HAve you tried going to settings>music and then flipping the switch for “iCloud music library”? You can also turn off auto downloads there.

But it’s so fetch.

Dude, I am crushed about losing Thisbe game too ... but Jesus the Cubs are great, and fun, and their narrative is well earned.

Dodgers look god awful. Stupidly sent AGon home from 2nd on a weak grounder that barely escaped into left field. Then tried to pickoff Baez at 3rd, and basically invited him steal home, might as well have had the milk and cookies waiting for him when he got there.