
The stealing home wasn’t even that impressive though. What was more impressive was how bad the Dodgers botched an attempt to pick him off at 3rd.


Check out Norway’s philosophy of restorative justice.

Seems to me like you’re just willfully disregarding anything that might contradict your preconceived biases.

I have a ton of respect for Sherman. After that whole talking trash after the game affair, where everyone said he was a thug and a bad role model, I looked him up to see what he’s about. The guy is a straight up excellent role model. I’d be overjoyed if my kid looked up to him.

Has Safari always had a magnifying option when you press and hold over something in the browser? Or is that a new feature as well? I accidentally did it yesterday and wasn’t sure if that was something I could always do, or if it was new.

NPR is also saying that he’s full of it:

“Ugh. That was the most exciting thing to happen tonight.”

The problem with documentaries and history books is that they’re typically not as marketable (there are, of course, exceptions). For the most part though, people aren’t as interested in them as they are a “based on a true story.” So you’re story gets less exposure.

I am going to operate under the assumption that football is similar to soccer in this regard. So yes, technically the ref can determine that a game should be abandoned if (s)he feels that the safety of his/her crew, the players, or anyone else is compromised. However, officials don't normally have the power to

At one point, I seriously thought the commentator said “rubber ducky.”

To be perfectly honest? I know this is an unpopular view, but very little, if at all.

Thank you.

Tbh, I don’t really know. I’ve never spent a lot of time learning about the psychology of pedophiles. To be clear, I was never raped. I was fondled, but luckily it never escalated to rape. I will tell you about one incident that stuck with me though. I was over at his house and I was going to spend the night, but I

Yeah, to be honest, That was my bad. Just glanced over OPs stirring rendition ... missed the joke. Been a little on edge over this Kap thing, kind of jumped the gun. Apologies.

Let’s not forget this part then:

Yeah, I think it is important to realize that regardless of what a survivor feels, that’s valid. And also that how we deal with what happened to us is a very complex thing, and it comes and goes in waves, and changes over time (and sometimes at the snap of a finger).

Lately I’ve been really feeling this conflict surrounding the Brock Turner case (and the other ones like it). Because on one hand, I’m 100% against rape. On the other, I’m not the wrath and punishment sort.

Careful. Hollywood would actually do that.

Having 20 kids would be uninhabitable for me too. I'm glad they saved those poor women from such cruel conditions.