
On the plus side, the Rockets and Cavs have won a ton of hypothetical championships over the past five years and that’s really the most important thing. 

Someone call?

Just means Steph’s gotta be more shellfish and take 30 shots.

“Our idea. Back off.”

Player Chooses Christ, Church Over College

“She took that shot to the face, she’s going to be ok, we just have to run some more tests and see what happens from there”

When you think about it, Robin Lopez actually did not get the defensive rebound.

Really speaks to the depth of the Cleveland Browns’ badness that they set records for bullpen ERA while playing football

Some of the most important sports stories ever are important because of their intersection with politics. How do you tell a politics-free version of the story of Jackie Robinson, or the Munich Olympics?

Trump will lose the 2020 election and take Fox News down with him. Bookmark this permalink. 

It’s a legal play, but something about this seems just a bit underhanded. 

Fuck this animal cruelty for shits and giggles, and fuck whoever replies telling me they’re just pigeons.

It’s the calm part in the middle of the pancake, I’m pretty sure. No idea what it has to do with baseball, though.

Duck auto-correct strikes again

Pelicans fan here. Everyone can kiss my ass he’s our hostage. 

I’m a lawyer and it is absolutely imperative that this video be released to the public, as it is a crime and the woman performing this humiliating act is essentially a sex slave.  Only her face should be blurred as his reputation is smeared for the entire world to witness.  Wait, lawyer isn’t the right word.  Voyeur,

No surprise here. The Patriots have always disputed evidence that their balls were illegally deflated.

Freddie Freeman Crushes Towering Tater Off His Own Child

If only he were back in Washington, where a few locals are thrilled by three Ks.

If you had to pick one or the other, only a complete idiot would pick the dish-washer.  It’s not even fucking close, for Christ’s sake.