Crow's Newer Hair

Conan the Librarian gets me every time. "DON'T YOU KNOW THE DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM?"

Now playing

This is the part where I bring up that this song is probably his most obscure parody, one such that most people don't even know that it's a parody to begin with.

It must be awful to live a life devoid of joy.

Congratulations, you have no soul.

The ironic thing is that this looks like it's going to be his best-charting album ever. Billboard picks it as #1 or #2 between him and Jason Mraz. I don't think he's ever charted above #9. Charts only mean so much, of course, but how many acts that have been around as long as he has are having their greatest success

Doesn't that also imply Crist is the best governor in the world though? Probably not. Either way, Rick Scott still looks like The National Inquirer's ''bat boy'' from the 80's all grown up to me (he's also a lying, thieving, piece of shit).

Partisanship aside, Rick Scott is a scumbag though.

I guess you can't get Cigar City up there, which is a shame. Jai Alai is as good as most of these (the white oak-aged version is very different, equally-good, but different) though my favorite out of that brewery is any of the numerous iterations of Hopped on the High Seas.

Waiting for Cabana Boy Robin

nb4 Texas complains about the omission of Whataburger.

Did they explain how the women's good fundamentals make up for their inability to dunk?

The WNBA has also been openly unwatchable since the beginning

Until they're as cold as your frigid heart, you nasty bitch!

He had a very hard time breathing, and he always smelled bad. He is much, much bigger than his photos let on. I was really taken aback the first time I met him.

You're right, I've only seen that clip about two dozen times this week. The media's really done a poor job of reducing a long career to a sound byte about Sawks Yankees.

Rick Sutcliffe was tearing up over on ESPN during the Yankees game.

It's unfortunate that many people remember the Pedro incident instead of all of his better times. RIP Don Zimmer. Thanks for the memories of watching you coach the Cubs when I was a kid.

The Rays' broadcasters had a hard time when it was announced during the game. Lots of teams had him first, but the Rays got him last. R.I.P., Mr. Zimmer.