Crow's Newer Hair

Is the review going to be up soon or did I miss it? This is the perfect game for your review system.. I can't decide if I want to play this and have been waiting anxiously for the Kotaku review.

Other way round, drag queen becomes killer spider/clown/butler/Russian/pretty much every role he's had.

FACT: Johhny Manziel always wonders where they eat or sleep, or other science facts.

you win. congratulations. see you in the not-too-distant future.

Look, people can have all the opinions of Johnny Manziel they want. Some will focus on his results on the field, some will focus on his off the field activities. But beyond all the rhetoric and above all the talking heads, it really comes down to one question. One thing that we need to know, to guage the true

There are no game news at PAX? Only mediocre Cosplay?

He's really overly verbose (and whiny).

this commenting system still really sucks

Just six years of my life!

Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet.

And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its


He spent three days in a busy airport WEARING his combine gear and nobody could figure out where he was????

They should have gone back to Bucco Bruce and the creamsicle uniforms.

"Hey! Those people have weird long feet! Hey! Hey person! Your feet are weird! I don't like change!"