Crow's Newer Hair

Maybe "Ru-Ru Tribe" is one of the possible Redskins name replacements and George was just throwing it out there as a less offensive suggestion.

It's either antiquated Archie Bunker-type racism(possible), or George was drunk and slurring his words and was misunderstood (probable).

You can fit 10-14 people in a dumpster?

I'd have to kill or disassociate with whoever starts their texts with "ha so".

He's a Ferengi!

They've re-created the bridge of the Enterprise-D. Good job.

It's easy click-bait. Kotaku knows this.

Please, do go on. You've piqued my interest.

So that's what Billy the largemouth bass has been up to.

So AAC and Fiesta Bowl champ UCF is more of a football weakling than USF, Memphis, SMU and Tulsa. Ok then.

It's amazingly refreshing how far we've come as a society when something that was considered as shockingly deviant, bad-morals, don't-let-the-kids-watch-this television, to the point of the President decrying it, is now comfortable afternoon marathon material for the whole family.


It's George F. Will 's Sports Machine!

God damnit. Stole the exact comment I came here to post.

Long term solution: put Kinja out of it's misery and go back to the old system.

Lord, how I miss the old commentariat and the star system. I never had a star (and definitely wasn't worthy of one) but it made this site at least 100% more enjoyable. It was a great community of very funny people.

Seriously, fuck Kinja.

"Hey pussy, are you still there?"