Not to be too off-topic, but am I the only one that thinks that the head-crab from 'The Thing' is kind of cute? What with its little eyestalks and the way it playfully peeks around the corner. Maybe I'm alone in this...
Not to be too off-topic, but am I the only one that thinks that the head-crab from 'The Thing' is kind of cute? What with its little eyestalks and the way it playfully peeks around the corner. Maybe I'm alone in this...
So...this is comedy...
The commercials ran long, what's the set-up for this?
Where does one get a horse balloon?
Too much Wiig already.
We play kick the crow!
Funny, we have a pair of those sitting in the receiving office of the Target I work at.
I feel bad for the guy who played Jerjerrod, conflicted Emperial officer. Most of his scenes were cut, and he did a pretty good job. Adds a bit of an interesting subplot, too.
I think I just OD'd on exclamation points. Thanks for the story, Elaine...
Wow, that sonic screwdriver has all sorts of hidden uses.
Oh no, Gizmodo! You posted a story about a gun! That might be tangibly related to a recent international event in some way!
Anyone else think he looks like a wax figure?
I don't care if its a metaphor. My (very) basic knowledge of tidal forces cannot hold back that much suspension of disbelief.
YES! The multiplayer in that game KILLLED!
Don't forget to buy a brand new Magnetbox.
Something about the word "carabiner" makes me giggle like a school girl. I'm not sure why.
Wow, Tilda Swinton looks great.
Oh, yes, I forgot, this is Jezebel: hand-wringing capitol of the internet. Where its impossible to write anything that won't offend at least one person.