JRM wasn't actually attempting suicide. After being told he has all the screen presence of a block of wood, he started to believe he IS a block of wood. He was trying to make kindling.
JRM wasn't actually attempting suicide. After being told he has all the screen presence of a block of wood, he started to believe he IS a block of wood. He was trying to make kindling.
Can't we just pretend that the 6th season of LOST didn't happen and instead pretend it ended on Juliet's bomb-smashing, cut-to-white cliffhanger?
So, THAT'S where the Rays are moving to after they leave Tampa.
How Green Was My Planet
Well, saw SharkBoy sans shirt, that's all I came for. What's this about vampires?
Ah, sweet, sweet schadenfreude. Which I'm pretty sure is related to those hideous GoDaddy commmercials.
Holy smokes, he's a toon!
Please don't mention Kazooie. What Microsoft did to that IP and Rare as a whole is too depressing.
Back and to the left.
Am I the only one who got the title reference?
This article was pretty pointless without measurements. Because that's what we all came here for, right?
85 degrees? Oh, the humanity.
Those are Jimmy's cans! Don't touch Jimmy's cans!
So, it was Airwolf?
C'mon, Obama, just make a speech already.
Can I stop taking off my shoes at the airport now?
Willing suspension of disbelief...unable to hold back...basic knowledge of...tidal forces...
I'm guessing the apes win.