Crow's Newer Hair

Anyone know where Leno is?

Do shirts exist in Russia?

@Arbron: Don't worry, you weren't the only one to make that connection.

Damn. I thought that was Lucille Ball in the middle until I clicked on the story.

The damage effects from the Burnout series was better than this.

To properly drive one of those, you must wear a fez and throw hard candy at people as you pass them.

Vic Morrow doesn't think this is that big of a deal.

His gayface distracts me from his body. How upsetting.

Remove Wrench from Ankle.

From this underground bunker, they also plan on forcing a guy, not too different from you or me, to watch cheesy movies (the worst they can find). He'll have to sit and watch them all, and they'll moniter his mind.

Something about this screams "fake", but damnit if I'm not convinced its real.

Oh, come on! How can you have a picture of the Little Chocolate Donuts ad with a "play" symbol and NOT have the video of it?

Interestingly enough, it takes the exact same amount of time to wait in line and ride The Eye as it does to play a game of Monopoly.

That red droplet falling onto the water and seemingly bouncing off is amazing.

I'll watch the first five seasons and just pretend that when Juliet hits the bomb, the show ends.

I'll take Greaser. In fact, I'll take two.

@Anrkist: Leave the Bronx. You are ordered to leave the Bronx.

Max Max? Is that like Mad Max to the max?

There's probably a fairly complicated answer, but the easy one is: