Crow's Newer Hair

Maybe he could just speak through yuks, grunts and whistles like the characters in Banjo-Kazooie? Its not technically talking...

@Kowl Slaw: Yes, I have a star on Gawker TV as well, but I read the article on Kotaku, so I was a bit confused when I found I was able to promote comments until I realized what was going on.

So...these guys. Better or worse than furries?

My loins will never stir again.

Agh! My gaydar just crashed!

Of course M-M-Max pre-pre-predicted the future. He was-was-waasssss twenty minutes into it, after a-a-all.

Either Michael Cera has some odd metabolic imbalance or he's anorexic. Ick.

Her two different states of dress (hair up/glasses on, glasses off/hair down) reminds me of Kitty, but with better results.

I think she's a HPOA. And I'm gay!

I looked at his site. This guy has some an Asian guy.

Scott Thompson, no!

Near the end, I half-expected Ben to say:

Holy shit! Clown attack!

Has Melissa Joan Hart done anything noteworthy in the last...oh...near decade or so?

That's nice. Now...

Are black people especially known for tapdancing? Is this some obscure racial stereotype that's passed out of common use?

I love how so many people are talking about a railing-free staircase and bare concrete without realizing that its still under construction.

Oh, the red button there kid, don't ever, ever touch the red button!

@blahyawnblah: It really does look like an old, complicated, steampunk espresso machine.