
go even cheaper than that. you can buy a two-pack of silicone face scrubbers from amazon for like $2.50. use one to clean your makeup brushes and have a spare to clean your face or whatever (it’s also surprisingly good at getting cat hair off your couch).

go even cheaper than that. you can buy a two-pack of silicone face scrubbers from amazon for like $2.50. use one to

Okay, didn’t read a word I said.

There were no knives. The police have admitted that.

The police have admitted that she didn’t actually have a knife.

“It’s best to ignore the vocal minority”

Better than being thrown into the fucking shit show that is the foster care system? Yeah, it is. But hey, white people get to decide who should live or die. Guess those kids should be grateful they weren’t also executed for being black.

You know at this point I question if she got hostile at all and if so why. Sad to say it’s not uncommon for particular people to end up the target of police, regardless of being the ones to have called them in the first place.

Good thing they didn’t leave, now they’re just fucking ORPHANS.

This. They absolutely cannot. As soon as they feel “disrespected”, something flips in their brain, and they go balls to the wall no matter what. It’s that moment when a routine traffic stop for “rolling” a stop sign goes to someones head getting bounced off the ground.

But they were briefed prior about everything this woman was going through. It was because she was black and “hysterical” that they killed her. You really think two men can’t calmly talk to woman who is frightened that someone broke into her home?????

The biggest problem is the attitude of brolice officers.

Live. Keyword, Live. They get to LIVE with it.

The quickest, easiest, and most effective way they could deescalated the situation was to simply leave. They didn’t have to engage her. They didn’t have to stay. They were there to check out a burglary report. Once she became hostile, they could have simply walked away. That is the one thing I can’t understand from

“Whitcomb replied that the officers were “suffering” in the aftermath of the shooting”

Sometimes I really find it hard not to think that in sexual assault cases if an accused decides to plead not guilty and take the case to trial, they should be required to testify. None of this “no case to answer” bullshit. Your lawyer gets to cross-examine the complainant? That’s cool, the prosecution get to

Cool, but as someone who also has a long history of severely disordered eating this seems like it’s going to be a rull fun way for recovered/-ing anorexics to relapse. “To the Bone,” they couldn’t come up with a less melodramatic title?? Jesus.

People can do whatever they want to do, especially for their art, but this strikes me as so dangerous — akin to a heroin addict working with medical professionals to do heroin again after they’ve recovered, “for professional reasons”.

Watching this again I just gotta say: I am sick of representing those with extreme eating disorders with great skin and hair. Lily Collins has THICK lovely hair. You want to represent someone with an eating disorder without accidentally glamorizing it and falling into some pro-ana nonsense? Show the thin ass hair

Yes, it’s one of the few legit reasons for saying designing for plus sizes is more complicated. Thin people hew pretty close to the skeletal anatomy, with a fairly uniform amount of body fat/padding. But fat people get fat in a myriad of different ways and shapes, and it’s not all evenly proportioned. I’m not sure