
I think you just admitting this is the 1st step and that you’re a good human being.

I wish the feminists on Jezebel could be burdened to read this and hear you! It’s not just sexism or them being assholes. Yes if you were a white woman they’d find you annoying. But I doubt it would’ve escalated to physically following you in front of a crowd. Yes white women get attacked but when you happen to be

I have too many stories to tell, so I’ll tell you my latest: I just learned today that the white male structural engineer that I hired to inspect suspicious work in my house before I bought it, colluded against me with the sellers - who he never met before - to keep me in the dark about tens of thousands worth of

A yt man followed me into the bathroom on the train. A really nice trains. I was so shocked. I was 120 pounds, did NOT have to do #2 and almost shit myself. If he closed the door behind him my life would have been different. I threw a roll of toilet paper at him hitting his nose, not hard but the evil in him paused

Clueless of the driver to tell a black passenger she has to sit at the back of the van.

That was amazing. I was born in Trinidad and came here as a child, an  only child, to a single mother.  I’m estranged from her. Growing up I always viewed my mother as a superwoman and as i’ve gotten older and seen that she never flew, she didn’t have super powers I grew upset. This has been an eye-opener, my mother

I actually walk the other side of the street and away from white men when I can. They scare me the most. One of my most traumatic memories is when Iwas on the metro and was overheated so I took out my water bottle for a sip. A white man loomed over me and started on at me about how I shouldn’t be drinking it. I argued

It’s depression. Her focus was on her son, but she needed the most help. People who commit suicide are stuck in a rut of negative thinking they can’t easily escape from. Suicidal thought is typically the result of a diseased mind, unable to make good decisions about alternative options. Most who attempt it and fail

It’s hard to tell without finding out more about the domestic abuse and protection order. It could have been her against him and he was also a danger to the son, but it could also have been that SHE was the abuser and she killed the kid after failing to abduct him (which is what fleeing the country permanently is).

As someone who works in skin care, I can tell you that you should never, ever put vaseline on your face. Your skin needs to breathe in order to heal. Using vaseline does not protect your skin, it actually causes breakouts.


I don’t disagree that he’s being tokenized and upheld because publishers are too lazy to try to find other Latinx authors they know they can sell, but I’m also going to say that its not the only reason.

I am so sad that I had to be 32 before I realized that faking orgasms had literally ensured I had bad-to-boring sex with genuinely nice men.

Counterpoint: Don’t fuck someone like that.

I’m really tired of this narrative that we must teach men consent, as if they violate women simply because they do not know better. It’s total and complete bullshit.

To me, it seemed like she was demonstrating a pattern of (at best) belligerent and chauvinistic behavior, which would support more targeted/more specifically misogynist behavior on his part. Connecting the dots, so to speak.

“So, Junot Díaz can talk all he wants about writing books that interrogate masculinity, but that’s all it is: talk. His books are misogynist trash and folks either don’t see it (which disturbs me) or won’t acknowledge it (which disturbs me for different reasons).” Ugh -I love this woman so much. JD plays into white

I majored in English in college and in one of my smaller, seminar-style classes we read Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. I did not like the book, and during discussion I talked about how hard it was to read the male characters in the book constantly objectifying the female characters. One of the guys in

I thought everyone knew he has a history of treating women poorly? Hasn’t he talked about it for years how much of what he writes is from his own experiences being shitty in relationships?

The translation of Cuéntalo is better rendered (figuratively and literally) as “Tell It.” This is not mere fastidiousness but introduces a wider, deeper resonance (in both Spanish and English).