
It does matter because even if you restrict yourself to a calorie limit and eat non-nutritious your body will be pushed towards unhealthy reactions like binge eating, fainting, and causing you to be more irritable and sluggish.

They are not likely to start it with with white people in their same social class or above (i.e. the judge’s son). But a minority? Sure. Because they are cowards and they are preying on the weak to abuse. And when we as a society continue to ignore the victims and their rights for justice we implicitly support that

I heard about the Kelly Thomas case in written articles and televised media countless times, and each time it was stressed how clearly it was an abuse of police power—a example of white privilege.

Yes! And because of that lots of people are getting misinformation and saying that 1000 women were raped that night!

I thought Taraji won after Gaga?

She spread awareness that there are also African tribes you can dress up as once you get tired of Native American headdresses.

That’s the thing—they aren’t. Grace and those in her era already did, and pop stars of today are simply repeating their actions BECAUSE it was done before and is now considered “safe” (to record producers and pop consumers who have seen this all before.)

denied the right

If the help you will receive is abusive, dismissive, and has a low chance of success, would you really choose that kind of help first? Most probably you would try to make peace with the traumatizing act on your own, like the alleged victim did in this case, and like many other rape victims do as well.

and let’s face it, he probably does

Protein all the way. I'm sure she's a Paleo girl.