
I think it’s appropriate. Both Kim K and Ariana Grande darken their skin to look more like a POC for the perceived social benefits. This is akin to white minstrels who wanted to indulge in the culture of blacks with a wink and nod that they were not actually black. Or, quite simply, “Rather to reign in hell than serve

Sure, but why not say, “We don’t know yet, we’re looking into it.” What they said sounds like a dismissal and that matters.

as a POC who grew up in NOVA the older I got the less safe I felt. I ultimately decided it was best for me to move. That welcoming community vibe I remembered now seems gone and replaced with sterile communities and overwhelming white people being unfriendly.  it came to the point where it felt like NOVA was not for

Yeah, the mosque has a super super shady history, but that’s what it is; history, not the present. That a bigot who wanted to attack Muslims didn’t realize that is not the slightest bit surprising.

with no commercial breaks while offering literally nothing of any additional value.

Can we leave Barron alone? Like, the kid didn’t ask for this. Go after Don Jr. and the weird one and Ivanka all you want, they’re adults and ostensibly human. But Tiffany and Barron do not appear to have asked for any of this. We can just not.

If I were Ms. Berry I’d say, “Hell yeah I’m take a giant dump tomorrow morning when I wake up.”

That s why complaining works people.

Isn’t folk already a gender neutral word? It is a fairly generic word to just mean any group of people you’re talking about.

Its reminds me of old school stories of military hazing I heard from my father, if “I am going to be beaten and humiliated- the only way to regain dignity is for me to in turn beat and humiliate the next recruits” mindset.

This is not really matriarchal, but rather women being complicit in upholding patriarchal structures because they, too, had to obey the same oppressive “rules”, and very often also because they fear their daughters/granddaughters will suffer if they do not fit in.

My mother was an American Catholic born in 1938. Not really all that long ago. She didn’t divorce my father though they were completely miserable and he had hit her more than once until the 90s. Her entire life was compromised by that marriage. She wasn’t freed until her 50s. That’s the United States. I can only

Years ago I read a very interesting article profiling a couple who were in an arranged marriage and their sadness about not being in love with each other. They both mourned the loss of opportunity to truly want someone and truly be wanted. They had children together, they cared for each other, but after several years

Participating in a patriarchal system for meager benefit is not matriarchy, it’s complicity.

Prachi, the statistic about divorces is interesting, but i do think divorce is so heavily stigmatized in India especially for women that it is not seen as a viable choice at all. I think patriarchal pressure exists in multiple forms in Indian culture before and after marriage and walking out on an abusive or an

whoever made that call was, presumably, trying to save the lives of the people godbolt was threatening. this is exactly the sort of domestic violence situation where others SHOULD intervene. it’s the job of the police to intervene when a person’s trying to kill other people. nobody stuck their nose into anything,

I was really turned off by the governor’s statement in response to the incident, which really only addressed the killing of the officer and not the 7 other innocent people who died:

A lot of these shootings have a jealousy or desire to see someone else hurt element. When these people say they “just wanted to end it all” or some such what they mean is “I wanted to hurt others and make them suffer while not facing the consequences”.

Is the reason no women are mentioned in this report just that the victims haven’t been publicly identified yet? It’s interesting to me that the important news here seems to be that a law enforcement officer died, not a family.

A sheriff’s deputy would be a good guy with a gun, right?