
They allegedly treated Naturi like shit because she was the “dark skinned” one. Naturi is having the last laugh. She’s the one on the hit show and who has starred in hit movies like Notorious. Kiely is a nobody and Adrienne is a laughing stock these days who just married a deadbeat.

If I’m not misrepresenting pineapple’s statement, I think you’re in agreement on certain parts.

Wow. Of all the lame “feminist” justifications for stripping, “If men are gonna objectify women, it’s only right that women demand to be paid for it” is the lamest. Write your book, give good advice to your fellow strippers, stay safe and healthy, express yourself. But you can’t participate in the objectification

Honest question: If you never “had a cute butt, perky tits and tiny waist” ever in your life, would you feel so confident at 67? I’m pretty positive you’re saying you’ve experienced both ends of the spectrum, so you have some perspective. And that’s valid. But I really do wonder if it’s as easy to have this

I’d help!

Fuck them because we, as olds, grew up completely surrounded by images of people being cool for smoking. Last night I was having a nightcap and listening to a record and I caught myself thinking “all I am missing is a cigarette.” I DON’T EVEN SMOKE. I wish I hadn’t grown up at a time when we were saturated with images

Judging whether Ben is sufficiently or “really” queer/trans isn’t going to help anyone. I would rather we stopped spreading the message that it’s okay to invalidate people’s gender identity and sexuality. I don’t care whether Ben is faking; I care more about what they did.

I understood their point.

Avi (bass) and Kevin (beatbox) are really what make Pentatonix so good IMO

Way to shit on queer kids & transfemmes for no reason.

Okay, let’s not go there. They’re shit, but deciding they’re a straight cis man because they’re shit sets a bad precedent. Invalidating people’s gender & sexuality is a dick move.

I’ve never doodled a swastika, because why would I? This experience is not as universal as you think. Correct pronouns are not a privilege to be revoked if someone steps out of line, commits a crime, etc. Just use the right fucking pronouns and stop whining about it. Singular “they” has been in use in the English language for ages and is widely considered correct, anyhow:

Blasphemy! Avi’s bass is the best singing voice in the group!

I hear you, but it’s important to note that Nigerian women’s groups did not want us to help in the way you are describing. This (meaning international negotiations), and things like capacity-building assistance for local efforts including counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism as well are the most

Any charitable or philanthropic work can be done without membership to a fraternity or sorority. People do it every day. I reject the notion that people need to be in a frat or sorority to do good work for the community.

This is what I really worry about with sororities and fraternities. 18 - 21 is a time when, from a developmental standpoint, people should be learning really specific social skills: How to build friendships on the basis of individual compatibility instead of institutional affiliation. How to be friends with people of

I know of a frat on my campus that was expelled and then allowed back on campus periodically. They were usually found with a bunch of date rape drugs and would get kicked off campus for a few years, have an “unofficial presence” (and wilder parties) for awhile, then be allowed back on campus and “misbehave” then get

I do online tutoring/test prep, and I was surprised to learn how rigorous UK schools are compared to U.S. schools. Not only are they more rigorous, but the assignments are much more relevant to the “real world.” When I took a marketing class in the US, it was all multiple-choice tests on theories from the textbook.

This is actually a dumb criticism whenever it’s brought up. Asking a legislator to read every part of every bill is like asking a software development team lead to personally review every line of code their team writes. It’s a pointless exercise and fundamentally misunderstands how things work. Legislators should be