Crindy, Bride of Gob

As awful as this, at least New Zealanders can take comfort in the fact that tens of millions of their citizens and half their government aren’t going to say in the immediate aftermath that the lives lost are less important than some archaic 200 year old amendment that the gun lobby uses to rake in profits under the

I giggled at that for five minutes solid, which is how I know the gummi just kicked in.

Those ass-clowns might NEED dentists, but I guarantee 95% of “Bikers For Trump” are high school dropouts collecting disability for the “back injuries” they suffered while working at the pallet factory. Their farty old grandpa bikes and “tough guy” vests their wives sewed for them just complete the whole cartoonish

Never has a president said anything close to this in public since the Civil War. Nixon talked about hurting his enemies while drinking and talking trash in the Oval Office. This is much, much different. This are threatening, inciting words. Trump will say he’s just joking and pushing out buttons. He is not. This is

How Trump envisions his “biker gang” vs reality:

What’s the difference between a Harley and a Hoover? A Hoover has only one dirtbag on it!

And as much as I despise saying this, even his hero, Adolph Fuckin Hitler, went through an actual war. Cadet Bone Spurs just likes to talk tough.

I’ve written lots of stuff about my mother on this site (my father died when I was in high school, so she was left to deal with me and my many siblings, most of whom were older than I.) We were in a nosedive relationship-wise, the criticism was endless growing up, and it prompted me to flee the nest, first to my

Bless his heart.

I don’t follow K-Pop so reading this comment was a fucking ride.

I absolutely would not want a guy who did one stupid-as-fuck thing at a party when he was 21 getting busted at 63 for fucking a drunk girl that one time in college. Serial rapists are a thing, but there are also really idiot young people.

You are insane. A guy who commits one rape is a rapist and should not be excused as an “idiot” young person.

I honestly rarely respond to trolls but the comment was just so pearl-clutchingly hypocritical I couldn’t resist

That still means a majority of them are on his side.

Actually, 3 of his wives are pissed at him; the others are supportive. 

Losing your job and having your life ruined is the kind of thing that can happen in the social media era if you choose to be a racist asshole out in the real world where everyone can see and take video. Given the tone of your post, seems you’ve already figured out you should keep all the nasty things you believe to

Maybe she wasn’t a piece of shit and also that this is why you’re single? 

The thing I loved about this story, is Keisel couldn’t help but tell on himself. People (dipshits in particular) seem to forget that professional athletes play at an incredibly elite level, with the most insane shit talkers on earth. These shit talkers are all programmed to spend every minute of the game trying to get

That's just her not wanting to pay her property taxes.

Ann was much less tightly wound before she lost all the weight, and still had a boyfriend.