Crepe Culture Apologist

It’s not just gonzo porn - there are hundreds of testimonies of women in the porn industry about being forced or coerced into acts they didn’t agree to, or having their pain/injury ignored, or being given drugs and alcohol to be able to tolerate a scene. Even “feminist-friendly” porn sites like have this

Anyone who thinks the porn industry cares about women has not watched porn. This doesn’t surprise me in the least.

Many people are saying that Pence went through gay conversion therapy and it’s really sad. I’m not saying Mike Pence is a sloppy party bottom that went through gay conversion therapy, but important people - all the best people - so many people - you don’t realize how many people are saying this.


I work with people who talk about term limits like they’d be a good thing. And my response is always “if no one doing the job has been there for more than 4 years, no one is going to know what they’re doing. Instead of 30 year congressmen, you’ll have a majority leader’s chief of staff or a party boss who hangs

Also I love the idea that Stein voters are just disaffected white ppl wanting to fuck up the world. Really insulting to those that don’t fit that stereotype Jez wants to shit on. And also super small minority!

But so fun to shit on Jill Stein! (And also, since fucking WHEN can people not make choices beyond two parties. It is a thing. It has always been a thing, and it must be addressed as a reality by campaigns trying to win.)

This idea that our fellow citizens are innately good people.

You know what, I’m not buying it.

Take Jill Stein out of the equation, Hillary takes Michigan and Wisconsin but still loses. This is on:

Yep, but carry on that narrative.

People are tired of all your white privilege, racism, misogyny, transphobia shit. They’ve had enough.

Not a US Citizen, so don’t take me for a voter, but assuming those Johnson votes would have largely gone to Clinton is illogical.

Those are just neologisms for the idea of “common decency.” It’s really not new.

I am sure the Democrats will blame this loss on not being far right enough.

I think for the liberal end of the Democrats and leftward, there’s a lot of discomfort with 1) her ties to financial institutions, big money establishment donors etc, and 2) the way the Democrats moved to the right in the 90s and a feeling that the Clintons are maybe a little too willing to compromise liberal values

To be fair there are some real concerns about Hillary, just look back at the race for leadership between her and Obama forever ago. Check truthdigg both Cornel West and Chris Hedges have laid out their concerns (hell, have you seen the doc 13th? some good arguments there too regarding mass incarceration). Least of

I agree that Clinton is the better choice but lets not pretend there is NOTHING to dislike about her. Her support of Wall-Street? Her support of mass incarceration? What about her hawkish foreign policy?

It’s not as easy as it looks. I got a set at Ikea and at least one of the pieces are missing. It was too much trouble to return so I just put it in the garage and eventually the journalist just walked away. Besides, even if I could get the thing put together, it’d just fall apart when I try to disassemble it the

I think liberals are too willing to entertain terrible ideas. I mean, if you open a conversation by threatening to lynch someone because you don’t like the facts they report I don’t see why i should talk to you about anything.