Crepe Culture Apologist

Your [circle one of the following: son/daughter/husband/wife] knew what they were signing up for. Besides, I like sailors who don’t get killed while serving. Plus, it’s not like they had to avoid STDs during the Manhattan disco club scene. That’s real danger.

All this means is 200 years from now, the USA will be a walled-off part of Earth filled with mutants who worship guns they called “Jesus” and who make strange hissing sounds when the word “science” is mentioned. All we’re doing now is basically keeping a record of how the USA became a cesspool of pollution and

No. You’re wrong. I’m the only one. I’m the brave one. Stop suppressing my free speech!

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

I agree with you, with the caveat that there are a whole lot of Christians doing this work too. They just aren’t the assholes running their mouths on Fox News; they aren’t the loud ones who are the public face of American Christianity.

All them so-called followers of The Christ are perhaps the very last people The Christ would even want following him around catching fish. Seems to me, he’d be at the strip club, jails, farmer’s markets, ghetto, and just about anywhere other than this country, those ugly mega churches, those cathedrals of gold and

Ok. But I have a better terrible sitcom idea: It’s the lovable schlub dad, but the sexy nagging shrew wife is a ghost who is haunting her family. Like the dad is trying to get out there and date again, and ghost mom is just like scaring the living shit out of all of the unworthy would be stepmothers. At the end of

I have a hard time taking someone seriously when they don’t the political difference between a RHINO and a RINO.

Not that I am suggesting it — or am I not not suggesting it might not not be a great idea? — but it would be a real shame if someone were to spray or oops, accidentally spill, something that absolutely reeks, which certainly could discourage people from spending much time talking or listening there. I certainly

Spoken like a fellow rapist, “Distributorofpain.”

I think women should be given equal opportunity to punch Richard Spencer in the face.

Sorry, I should be fingerprinted.

In fact, Lucas says he’s just trying to make a point about gun laws, and he may even be joking about the journalism part.

Every single Tech CEO is complicit in allowing Russian active measures to infiltrate and taint the 2016 election. Now, since the Government is completely broken(on purpose), it comes to the people to actually do something. We are here. People don’t understand it, but we are here. It is up to the

“Met the president of the Virgin Islands” - my new favorite euphemism for masturbation.

Of course there is. See the occupied territories.

The Clinton’s are GOP. Deregulation of the communication industry, welfare reform, and let us not forget DOMA. Fuck them.

Do a full backup with Google and before you step of the plane wipe it clean and hand CBP a blank phone. After you get thru security, restore the backup.

The day the Clintons disappear forever can’t come soon enough. Hillbilly huscksters who got taken out by a syphilitic game show host. It is the legacy they wholeheartedly deserve.

We grow our mass killers right here at home. Gosh, aren’t we just doing so many things right!