Crepe Culture Apologist

This is probably much more coherent in the original Cyrillic?

The NHS is not single payer, as no health insurance system is paying anyone. It is socialized medicine. That the healthcare practitioners in Canada work in private practice is precisely what makes the system single payer.

We allowed them to speak and it didn’t work out that well. - A German Guy

Uh, they don’t, though.

Not if the pictures were obtained and published without the celebrity’s consent.

I definitely do not want non-consensual nude photos of Tiger Woods. Don’t look at non-consensual nude photos of anyone, people.

Considering how tax brackets actually work, I’m fine with 90% or more. If you can’t live on less than $1M/yr you should bootstrap or something. Everything after that is basically Dick-Measure Funbux. Income after the first $1M can and should be trivialized.

Yes, shower. Then, calling an Uber for the dude, and ordering myself some pad Thai, and curling up to watch Miss Marple.

Depending on the sampling process, it could very well be statistically relevant. You’d be surprised how few people are actually needed to be representative of an entire population amd still lie well within the margin of error.

*Also - 650?!?! Totally scientific, right?

It’s on the low end, but not all that remarkable. Most public polling uses sample sizes of around 1000 people.

Opinion: everyone should have to survive off of service industry jobs and wages for a year. It would make society a nicer place.

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

BJs don’t make babies, silly goose.

I’ve never gone viral, but I did have my Tumblr (Preciouser Moments) hit with a cease and desist from the people at Precious Memories. Turns out they don’t like their figurines being altered digitally.

Of course they wouldn’t attack Canadians. They’re alpha predators, not assholes.

I’m with Nurse Jackie? Anyways, France really fucked up by not running this election two years ago. Think of all the penis jokes that could have ensued. Pen 15' would have been resurrected from third grade just in time for Easter!

I actually think the idea of “love at first sight” is incredibly dangerous: first impressions are often wrong, and generally superficial. It’s nice that they panned out for this woman, but I’d actually be super concerned with anyone who says they knew someone was the one for them the first time they met them. I’ve had

This is what I hear when I see that fucking haircut.

It’s dictator chic.