Crepe Culture Apologist

Do something long enough—even something seemingly contrary to your nature—and it becomes your nature. Politicians don’t take stands. Their nature is to agree. Doesn’t matter what you’re saying. They’ve always agreed with you and you’ve always agreed with them and here are the amazing feats of mental gymnastics to

Yeah but he’d never shut up about how well-endowed it was.

This. An old family friend who’s since passed was the same. Army air WWII vet; belly gunner on a bomber in the European theatre. Miracle he survived.

Nah. These dudes are way too soft for the AB and other white supremacist prison gangs. If they get involved with them at all, it’ll be as protected property. A couple holes to fuck and someone with middle class ties on the outside. Prison isn’t gonna turn these guys into the he-man badasses they want to be.

I’m down for post-sex cuddles and chat, but fuck yes to pad thai.

Actually, I have. Albeit briefly. It wasn’t the lack of freedom that got to me. Freedom is illusory at best. It was the insecurity.

Libya under Gadaffi had universal healthcare, free public higher education, and opportunities for women that were unmatched in much of the rest of the Arab world.

It’s a scarce and highly sought after skill among actual lizard people.

“...older white guy.”

Very few of those people are immigrating here because they took a civics class and are in love with our just barely functioning version of electoral democracy. They’re following the capital we expropriated from their homelands.

Aside from race, you mean? Which is certainly a factor here.

GC’s comment is the only reason to not delete this article.


That’s one way to characterize the decades of principled struggle (often undertaken at great personal sacrifice) alongside black people by American communists.


This. Libertarian is the protest vote of the right. Green is the protest vote of the left. Look at the numbers. Even if swing state Stein votes had gone Clinton it wouldn’t have been enough to put her over in the Electoral College.

While this scenario might (MIGHT) be preferable to Trump personally wielding the power of the Presidency, it simply isn’t believable. Just look at the man. He’s a multimillionaire. He can afford a a good publicist, a skilled stylist, and the finest bespoke suits. Yet he appears in public looking the way he does. Like

This is actually one of the main reasons liberalism is historically untenable. A liberal state must tolerate people spreading and organizing around illiberal ideas and must ultimately resort to illiberal measures to defend itself from these people or preserve itself in times of crisis (a phenomenon built into the

Nah. That’s cheap plastic surgery and insufficient funds for maintenance.

He said/She said, lack of recordings or other hard evidence, etc.