
This is complete hearsay from the usual friend-of-a-relative-of-a-teammate channel, so take it as seriously as, oh, any other Kinja, but the mutterings around the Bengals’ locker room are that Ramsey had punched/poked/pinched Green several times prior to that late shove. It was a culmination of things, not just that

If Kaep’s phone rings with a Houston area code what are the odds of him throwing the phone directly into a river? What are the odds that it hits the water?

I’m ex Navy, I never, for one day thought about the “flag” when reporting for duty, or had GQ, etc. Also, last time I checked, Dr. King never played football or kneeled at an anthem, yet was stabbed, beat, death threats, arrested and ultimately assassinated for his opposition to the same forces at play here. This is

That’s classic White Knighting and social justice warrior-ing, just like you’d expect from the very conservative. Wait... What?

...a different team.

This just in:

I agree. I was responding to concern that the protests were becoming more of a “protest of the week”, which I also am concerned will happen and saying that at least this one was focused on something directly related (dehumanization of POC) to the original protest (police brutality against POC), as opposed to a few

I share your concern, but at least this one seems to generally be related to the dehumanization of people of color, not just to stick it to 45.

Probably linemen, worried about having to get back up.

It’s almost as though these owners see their teams as the modern day plantations and their players the modern day cotton pickers. What a surprise!

So, in this version, the “inmates” are the league office? The administrative body charged with operating the NFL? The NFL itself is both “inmate” and “prison.”

They should work out a trade with the Cowboys, who apparently could now use a decent kicker.

And I bet the Cowboys won’t even interview Colin Kaepernick!

I know this seems like the obvious move, but I still struggle with the concept that your going to find a better coach out there. If they take a risk on a new guy with no experience, and he royally sucks, it could negatively affect their very promising young core for a long time. Additionally, what part of Ausmus’

Somewhere, Mark Langston laughs his ass off.

He seems to have learned, he is wildly offensive.

“Just give me the damn ball, as per Rule 8.3(a)(b)(c) and all subsequent items.”

I noticed this on TV yesterday and can barely find photos of it online. These are from the Jets game.

Trump, meet Streisand Effect.

I agree. He’s making a decision for the team. Good move.