
If this happens, the world will be a better place.

shocking that someone employing an MLK quote on social media did not actually mean it


So, not really.

Me and this guy share 99.9% of our DNA. It took me two hours to get out of bed.

Is it weird that when I first saw that “You lack something” message I instantly blurted out to my fireteam “self-respect”?

So, exactly what they’re doing/what they did with the 2nd Amendment?


I went to one of the first games at RSA and had to explain to more than a few people the green, blue and white banners. I did see a Dineen jersey though which was pretty sweet.

Posters confirm what I thought. It’s not a Birds of Prey movie, it is a Margot Robbie/Harley Quinn showcase.

This complaint only makes logical sense if we’re just dropping in mentions all over the place. That’s not the case. It’s establishing the tone of characters in contrast. “Last time, we played as Joel—a more nuanced bearded man than your typical action game star, but an archetype nonetheless. This time, players will

Might as well throw a Press Secretary that won’t interact with the press on top of a National Labor Relations Board that’s anti-labor, an Environmental Protection Agency that’s destroying the environment, a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that hates consumers, and a president who’s a raging sack of shit.

Eli in Pittsburgh would be a nightmare combo of awful QB and awful fans. Not even Pittsburgh fan’s deeply ingrained racism could help them rationalize the terribleness that is Eli Manning.

“Fuck it, I’m out”

Fun fact: he’s also never won a playoff game outside of those two Super Bowl runs.

Rotoworld says Eli had a career 116-116 record. I found that surprising, but then remembered he’s been dogshit since the last super bowl win and that was in 2011! Fucking hell, I’m old.

There aren’t going to be any wheels of justice turning, because she’s chosen to file a civil suit instead of involving the police. Unless one’s definition of justice is a months-long protacted negotiation between two sets of very well-paid lawyers discussing what amount between $1M and $2M of Antonio Brown’s money

I still subscribe to the idea that noone in the film really knew what they were doing with time-travel, except maybe Dr. Strange; and they lucked into a barely-workable plan.

THANK YOU! People try to justify the outcome of Endgame by citing 14M as if that was the highest number that could be achieved. 14M is nothing on a universal scale! 14M was as many scenarios as Strange could explore in the short time he had. If he’d had maybe five minutes more he would have seen Starlord fuck up and