I’m not losing any sleep over it, that’s for sure
I’m not losing any sleep over it, that’s for sure
Not losing sleep does not equal hiring crisis manager.
If you want one reason Odell Beckham was suspended and Wallace fined
There is no penalty for taking a timeout you don’t have.
So Beckham balked at Ball, who was brandishing a baseball bat for Bene Benwikere? And Brad beckoned Beckham to back up from Ball’s bat?
The Panthers were trying to get in Beckham’s head and it pretty clearly worked.
I don’t study NFL film so I can’t attest to how common this is, but it seemed Norman got a little extra chippy and physical from the start. It’s well worth catching a 15 yard penalty early in the game if you can totally throw off the opponent’s best WR. I hope teams continue to fuck with Beckham and he proves to be…
I’m not going to defend Beckham, really, but this is a shining example of how uneven the discipline process is in the NFL.
Thank god he wasn't generally aware of a minor rules violation!
“In five years, when Tebow is leading Denver into the playoffs and Cam Newton is riding someone’s bench, remember this article.”
“Cam Newton is a sure-fire bust. I am so certain of this that if he is the Panthers’ starting quarterback in 2016, I will buy a Cam Newton jersey and stand in the stadium parking lot in my underwear when the Panthers come to Tampa Bay and hold a sign proclaiming that Auburn rules over Florida and Carolina rules over…
http://bleacherreport.com/articles/69499… Is Cam the worst draft pick ever?
Next they’ll both be fined by Goodell for not fighting over Bose, the official headphone supplier of the NFL.
The Vikings: we’re better then last year!
Technically it’s G-D-A-E on any violin
Awwww, the Denver Broncos!
If this guy is a protestor, Carly Fiorina is a presidential candidate.
Fine but in the 60’s they would have arrested the Panthers.
Every official in that game should be fired and or sued for that bullshit.