
It’s another Confederate flag.

Also worth stating on your list:  adultery is illegal in NY.

It’s definitely interesting that the league at the top level will fine personal messages on shoes, but will leave protesting discipline up to the teams.

What is the proper way for black people to protest?

A primary is the will of voters in the party,

The guy who won that primary in 2006 but lost the general election, Ned Lamont, is now the leading candidate for CT governor and most people in CT seem to have no idea who he was a decade ago, either.

I don’t think Lieberman comprehends the differences in demographics.

Maybe it’s “There WAS NO COLLISION”? Hard to tell with the caps.

Birthright claims that it is a non-political organization

That would be Hall of Famer Dennis Eckersley.

but by all means, someone make a case for timing that excessive amount of pitches on a pitch clock.

Assuming the allegations are true, that he knew and did nothing, what exactly are we looking at here? What would he be guilty of, criminally or civilly?

Cocaine’s an upper. The Nationals are clearly downers, so probably a heroin reference.

Either that, or he has a serious disconnect with realizing that Sanders was born in 1890 and probably used the word in a very different social environment.

I wonder if Cashman’s playing a long game here and just wants Machado thinking “hey don’t sign a multi-year extension when you get to the Dodgers cause the Yankees are ready to overpay you as soon as you’re a free agent.”

On the other hand, he will certainly fit the Yankee Tradition(tm) of signing a guy at a position that’s already covered and moving someone out of position to make it work.

It’s tough to tell who’s an actual contender because no one knows what the Orioles want.

If he’s traded to the NL in the next few days, does he just lose the all-star spot? Could they find a spot for him on the NL roster?

Then that’s where you and I are going to have to differ, because while I agree about your tactics for the army, I don’t think cops should be approaching a situation like this as a military objective.

If I’m getting shot at, I would shoot back also.