
I have only one tweet this inning... in 27 parts.

Somehow, I still manage to be surprised when people miss the whole point of “love your neighbor”.

Good to know. I will be cautious. Thanks.

So give me a bottom line here, please.

If they can actually sell $27k packs, those tax incentives might yield a return of sales tax revenue.

Usually breaking up a double play involves the guy covering second throwing to first, meaning he’s STARING DIRECTLY AT THE RUNNER who’s trying to knock him over.

She’s going to still get paid and not work right?

Are you suggesting that no kneeling player has been cut or unsigned because they’re *also* a bad football player?

It’s baffling how top-level studios can focus so much on ideas like story immersion, and yet ignore ideas like user interface.

15 yards for police brutality would be more punishment than some cops are getting right now.

Actually, don’t go connecting to a wifi network right away.

They might be able to stop these guys with some nitpick condition of the DMCA based on defeating the Tesla software. Right?

Fortnite has been replaced by Rock Band.

At least he can be muted during highlights. There’s no way to turn off that goddamn box they draw on top of the catcher.

So the triathlon competition is this, Rock’em Sock’em Robots, and ... what’s the third part? Crossbows & Catapults?

Why not just get rid of the draft position that are in issue?

I gotta ask... how much does the base coach being that far out of the box disturb the pitcher?

There’s a Final Four Participation Trophy?!?

Man seeking contract to play team sport says that when he’s in uniform for that sporting event he won’t do his own thing protesting but rather will join his standing teammates.