
IMHO, player population is pretty solid. The search and load times are technical issues with the matchmaking system. Frustrating tech issues, to be sure, but there’s definitely something wrong with rolling over from one game to the next - it sometimes will sit there not filling the empty spots, but when you give up

There’s a big difference between canon and so far off theme it defeats the point of a Star Wars game.

Battlefront 1 has always offered gameplay-affecting star cards for cash.

The trouble with loot boxes is that you have two variables -money and randomness - and no one knows how each one really factors in.

Funny how conservatives scream for years about the corrupt government spending.

This is actually interesting in a crazy-never-happening sort of way.

In those terms, yeah.

David Ortiz Drive

It’s not really a start because it’s only the smallest bit of relevant.

So it’s the inverse of pointlessly yelling at the large bumbling creature in The Last Guardian?

and that’s basically why the convolution was better than just playing it straight as the article questioned.

Well he could figure out how much he would owe if he didn’t hide his HQ overseas, and give that number directly to the food banks and other charities. That’d work, right?

Where do you draw the line from other game odds?

I know the feeling.

Considering that texting someone to go ahead and kill themself is a crime, this would have to be.

You buy his jersey, I’ll buy Brandon Moore’s pants, and we’ll let history decide who was wiser.

He’s the buyer. The seller is his lawyer who put up the $130 grand for the porn star and never expected repayment.

... with at least $29,700 left over to buy a new knockoff copy of the ring. Only you would know it doesn’t have the authenticity certificate. :)

Lemme make sure I got this...

Maybe he saw a lawyer generously spending thousands of his own money to pay off a porn star and sent him the ring as a thank you. No connection to Trump at all, no sir, ignore the MAGA hat, this is totally just his own choice to give such a gift.