I wonder what the reaction to SI would have been if their cover took the “Where’s Kaep??” angle. Show the unity with a big cut-out shape front and center representing the original movement’s initiator. Probably would have been a bit inflammatory.
I wonder what the reaction to SI would have been if their cover took the “Where’s Kaep??” angle. Show the unity with a big cut-out shape front and center representing the original movement’s initiator. Probably would have been a bit inflammatory.
Kaepernick himself is nowhere to be found in any of this.
but none of the kneeling last Sunday was about Kaepernick, it was only about response to Trump daring people that it couldn’t be done.
Of course it’s being ignored. That’s why people argued about the flag in the first place, to avoid having to confront his protest. It’s all worked, our corporate overlords have rewritten the dictionary, the SI cover is unsurprising. (and now we’ll get the slippery slope of individuals kneeling for the anthem for…
On the one hand, I keep mocking the fact the NFL is now united in their unified show of unity for the sake of unification - having lost any meaningful protest about anything.
It’s the protest equivalent of the read option!
Peers are quite different when you’re on a sports team.
Price would probably injure his knee when protesting and land back on the DL.
so... um... where’s Kaepernick?
It’s unusual for a DS writer to actually cheer a late round pick when Kaepernick doesn’t have a job.
They’re all so happy to not have to play overtime!!
I can see it as escalation in the sense that now Trump is involved then this will take away his power to dictate terms. He wants to worry about what players think, you make it known that the entire process itself is out of his hands.
First owner to do what, exactly? Doing... something... vaguely maybe a protest maybe not. “well I don’t care about the police brutality issue but I guess I support the guys making me money today so I back them but not the actual protest of taking a knee...” Kind of wishy-washy and not bold at all if you ask me.
Moreso than that, we have the kneelers vs the standers. Our overlords are trying to divide us and it’s working, even if the demographic of one sub-group shifts. What we need is a whole team to kneel, no division among them.
Yup. There are a couple thousand examples of people with CTE from playing football who manage not to murder anyone.
I actually see the header image as an improvement over Kaepernick’s protest. Jenkins isn’t off to the side doing his own kneeling, he’s rallied some teammates with him. That could be one reason he’s not getting as much flack as Kaepernick did. (Though plenty of other reasons could factor... QBs are higher profile, a…
“Don’t bring your individual protest into that team moment.”
You could blame the lone protestor for not rallying teammates.