One random string of 4 words is simple, but 20 random strings of 4 words each... pick 80 random words and see if you recall which 4 go together and which quartet goes on which device.
One random string of 4 words is simple, but 20 random strings of 4 words each... pick 80 random words and see if you recall which 4 go together and which quartet goes on which device.
Not sure I have a “problem” in your terms. People are free to speak out.
The football equivalent of “in character” is “in uniform”. On gameday, as a team, you’re supposed to be a team. That one guy off doing his own thing on gameday, he’s usually “guided” back to the team - sometimes with hazing, depend on what age group is involved.
The league has quite a history of hating unique expression.
What would you say about the performance of a QB who manages 1 TD but 5 sacks?
We need a law against putting your own name in your song lyrics.
the joke is, the REAL Jets fans know to bet against them.
and yet... he ran a show OBSESSED with picking game winners. ok, like every NFL pregame is now obsessed with this too. but they were always talking about the spreads, who to pick, how much you’d wager.
What’s really funny is how we panic about predatory payday lenders but think opening a casino is great for the local economy.
well the guy on 2nd couldn’t see around CC to steal the signs.
The reason you have signs is because people steal signs. None of this is news.
of course, if it’s somewhere like Jacksonville and you put someone famous/infamous like Kaepernick on the bench, does that affect the starter looking back over his shoulder?
OK, put a number on that, then we can examine the business decision involved.
at least he’s on a great team dedicated to not playing football.
They signed him for 900k. (No info no how much is guaranteed.) One year deal.
as opposed to how we currently limit our conversation to QB-related triggers.
For the Kaepernick fans... look, there’s no argument here.
would any of those better QB’s be as cheap as the $775k that Denver is out of pocket here?