Crazy Tom

Second, he would not offer assistance to press events and whatnot.”

Sick! I’ve been watching these guys release gifs of this game on twitter, but I never knew it was being developed into a full game!  I thought they were just test sims.

Getting to know your characters is seriously the most important part.  You can have tropey plot elements, but the interesting part is seeing how your characters react to the situation and to each other within the situation.  Define your characters and your characters will tell you where the plot needs to go.

And that kid who runs away when you get too close!

The kind of dorky overspeak is all over the sport. Coaches and front office goons use it all the time to help inflate the sanctity of the game. Players follow suit.”

Man, I always enjoy these tracks y’all share. Kotaku needs an ongoing Spotify playlist.

Well this is nice! I literally just snagged it while free on Epic’s store, beat it in three days, and now have more goodness to look forward to. This game touched me in ways I wasn’t ready for. I’m so glad to keep playing, even if it’s only for the super-tight gameplay.

That drum breakdown, though.


I would have to pay $15 a month to play Classic, and I have no interest in playing the main game, much less pay extra for the latest expansion.  For all intents and purposes, it’s $15 a month for Classic.  Saying otherwise is like falling for the “It’s actually %50 off!” sales pitches of outlet malls.

Mmmm... I almost started up my account again just before Classic opened so I could play with friends, but my gut got the better of me. After seeing this, I’m kind of glad I waited. It’s just ridiculous that they’re charging full price for a 15-year-old game, especially with massive server queues happening all over

About how much would it cost to get tattoos like this in Japan?  And would they require multiple sessions for something this big, like in the US, or does the tabori style allow more to be done in a single session?

Addendum: the pile of Uncle Ben rice had me ROLLING


Nervous! My stitching is kindergarten-level

Same!  But I went with an orange shirt :P

Man, no joke here: I want Link’s rock-climbing outfit irl so dang bad.  I’d wear it to the gym all the time.


Lol, this is ridiculous and amazing at the same time.

Chunky anime tech = best anime tech