I’m with you, though. Like, ok, I don’t know the timeline of this game. I don’t know the timeline for the folks working on Wild, either. Yet two big games concerning primal beastmastery being created around the same time?
I’m with you, though. Like, ok, I don’t know the timeline of this game. I don’t know the timeline for the folks working on Wild, either. Yet two big games concerning primal beastmastery being created around the same time?
Ok, I think it’s time for me to jump into this.
Turned this on. Category was best E-Sports team. Turned it off.
Well, yes. Yes, it is art. It’s art in the same way digital comic books are art, where gifs may be used for added effect. It’s art in the same way rap and hip-hop are art, where non-traditional beats and sampled tracks are used to create something fresh. It’s art in the same way Ulysses is art, however…
Maybe someday!!!
Can it link with Spotify? Like, you can put your own music into it, right? How sweet would it be if you could play music from your Spotify account?
December 7.
Can you detonate said nukes?
Maaaaaan you see how many kids there are right there? I’d scientifically estimate five bazillion, and that’s on a rainy day when Jerry, Theo, and Ling Pin decided to skip “Murder Arts 401” that day. Give all those kids a sword (You see that clip where the murder hands grabbed from an endless pile of swords? I did.),…
I dunno about you, but I’m pretty scared of crazy-fast children chucking swords around the place.
And then they give the kids knives...