Crazy Tom

Wait wait, I have some stuff written in journals like this. If I post that, and then take pics of myself through dirty mirrors or with a filter overlay, will you publish an article about me? I could definitely use the exposure to promote my art.

Pffff, I’ve killed Tauren rogues since vanilla. Well, maybe I should say “a Tauren rogue.”

Garren. That little bastard.

This guy hits like a truck.


ME TOO, lol

“Help me... please...”

Looks pretty cool! Thanks for the tip!

Dude, the co-op. That just reminded me how my oldest brother always played as Kirby. He was the smartest and, by being the oldest, the best at decision making. My other brother and I would switch off as the partner, since we were much more gung-ho in our playstyle.

Also, we always joked that they were kissing when

Kirby Superstar: 8 Games in 1.

That game is, without a doubt, the best game of all time.

The movement, the speed, the art, the control, the music, the challenge—this game can’t be topped. If Kirby fought with a fraction of the intensity in Smash as he did in this game, he would be an unstoppable force.

K/D ratio is the Metacritic of gaming.

Actually, can the guy who posted on Redditt not steal the art? He links to imgur, an image hosting site. The picture on that site is credited to someone named Fero0x. Looking at that guy’s page, he clearly isn’t the original artist, yet the image is credited to his name.

A good abdominal workout you can do every day is leg raises. Lay on the floor, put your hands under the small of your back, and keep your legs straight as you lift your feet off the ground to straight in the air. Do 4 sets of 20 every day.

If you have a pull-up bar or something of the sort that you can (safely) hang

Nope, but I do wish they would make a full series of their animated shorts!

“I love it when when you write me smart.”

Lol, this comic is great! I hope they make more! Also, I love the use of technology to enhance the comic experience. Like, not all panels will show up when you turn the page. Some are left blank until you’re ready to see them, which is pretty damn cool.


How my DnD campaigns usually go:

Me: “You see a man standing in the room.”
Player: “Can I climb him?”
Me: “What?”
Player: “I want to climb him, does it work?”
Me: “Um, roll for it?”
*Player rolls a 20*
Me: “...You climb on top of him.”

I mean, come on, she’s wearing a Vegeta shirt. How the hell can you not like that?

Honest to God, after playing those horrible 20 matches to get a rank, I would have to say no. I wanted to be ranked just to be ranked, I wanted that little number on my picture, but damn, those 20 matches were some of my least favorite games of HotS.

Pros of HL (can’t speak for TL, none of my friends play, which,

I’ve seen. Really not looking forward to “killsteal” whining and sandbagging (where players hold off until they can be sure they’ll get the kill). I might have to take a good long break until that gets fixed.