True true, it’s much less common in HotS than LoL, and yeah, even though it really sucks, at least the matches don’t take 45 min to an hour. The longest matches (25-30 min) usually only take that long if both teams are performing really well.
True true, it’s much less common in HotS than LoL, and yeah, even though it really sucks, at least the matches don’t take 45 min to an hour. The longest matches (25-30 min) usually only take that long if both teams are performing really well.
Right? It bugs me, too, man. All I want is to play, not consistently have one player on the team spout off how everyone else is bringing him/her down. I’ve noticed, more often than not, that it’s a support role person who usually uses the excuse that the dps/tank/lane pusher aren’t doing their jobs right.
Dude, I was playing HotS the other day and, after a small amount of time, two players went OFF THE RAILS at each other. The chat log in HotS is center screen, unlike LoL’s corner-screen chat pane, and their argument was so intense I couldn’t see a thing. Both characters spent long amounts of time standing somewhere…
Wait wait wait, did somebody just say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?
What is this from, btw? It looks pretty rad.
“I started from the bottom, now I’m here.” - Drake, upon leaving the Vault
I mean, that dangling participle is what bothers me.
Ooooohhhhh. Although, in my defense, I kind of just punch things that don’t work as a general rule of thumb.
Did you try punching the jukebox?
Children. They love the dumbest things. Btw, you got any of them Villager amiibos? I’d pay good money for that little guy.
Wait wait, so this is a real app on the 3DS using real money to buy the badges? What do you then do with the badges? Do they show up in other games? How many badges can the average small child gather with a dollar?
But Americans don’t knoowwww thiiissss!
And speaking of lore, one fun fact about Gangplank and Illaoi: they used to be an item! A ~~romantic~~ item.
Praise be to Metzen!
The pufferfish used to be breakable by a single player. They’ve reduced its explosion time, though, so now it takes multiple people focusing on it in order to break it, which is stupid.
I’m still of the opinion that Murky needs reworking. Too much damage output and survivability for his insanely low respawn time. His egg needs a scaled timer depending on how far out of the base he places it.