Crazy Tom

Actually, bud, it’s because the “Do better graphics mean a better game?” argument has been going on for decades now, and I’m long since past coming to a satisfied answer: No. If I had to choose between losing couch co-op or keeping the game running above 58 fps at all times, I’d choose playing a video game with my

Exactly, man. Hell, my computer can dual screen WoW, and it’s older than a kid in kindergarten. I can understand this generation of consoles not being able to dual-screen huge, open-world games like aforementioned Assassin’s Creed or Fallout 4 or, like you mentioned, split to three or four monitors at once—but two?

Maaaan, I dislike 60 fps. It looks so fake.

You know what companies should really be working on? Dual-monitor split screen. If I could “split screen” an Assassin’s Creed game with a friend while playing at 30 fps at 720p resolution, I’d be a happy puppy.


Seriously, though, watching Bob Ross paint on Twitch was so fun and relaxing. Everyone flipping out when he started a new section, cheering when it came together, and always going crazy when he would do one of his little sound effects or phrases—it was fantastic. I could confidently

Well, ok, so, I just had a bowl of cereal, and am now drinking my first cup of coffee. It’s currently 36°F outside and I’ll be heading to work in a few hours. Considering either working on personal projects or playing some games before getting dressed, and the short list would come down to either DS2: Scholar of the

Sooo, Yannick. I take it you’ll probably luck out and get Cho as soon as he’s released, yeah? You, uhh, you need a second-head-buddy?

If any of you guys on here get him, you should do a brother a favor and party up.

Now playing

Guys! Overwatch! Freaking Overwatch!

Go ahead, rewatch the announcement trailer and tell me this wouldn’t make an amazing movie/show. I can wait.


Hotfix: remove the card’s ability.

Boom. Done. Hire me, Blizz, I’m available for either a full or part-time position.


Also, lol, way to goof, Gamestop.

Holy balls, these are beautiful, and HE INCLUDED LOCKE!! Everyone always forgets Locke!

Malian is the 4th

Man, he probably hates when they update the Terms & Conditions.

Seriously though, the comments here on Kotaku (and, I guess, most of the other Gawker sites, as well) are much higher quality stuff that what you find on other game sites. People use capital letters, punctuation, and (for at least the majority of the time) know the difference between their, they’re, and there.

The Aristocats.

I’m right there with you on point 2. Unless this is supposed to be set very early in Samus’s career, the actress definitely played her a bit too scared. The quake in her voice in the vid-doc is unnecessary.

I really like this anime. It’s so refreshing. If my library picks up the manga, I’ll def take the time to give it a read.

We are very sorry that many our customers continue to be unhappy with the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight.