Crazy Tom

Just depends on if there’s some kind of counter-system, I guess. Otherwise, yeah man, I’m right there with you.

Complete with advanced midi music tones!

Lol, same here. I loved this guy back in high school and college. Rewatching these vids (along with Homestar Runner) reminds me why I had such a goofy sense of humor.

Now playing

Also, I really REALLY wish this guy would make a comeback:

I love how this story is promoted only four posts after Totilo recounted his repeated ass-whupping at the hands of ninjas.

Great write-up, though. Ninjas are so badass.

This liiiisssst! Ahhh the Gamecube had some awesome games!

No mercy for wheelchairs!

Er... wait... wrong From Soft game...

I’m right there with Pastafaria Joe. Honestly, I don’t like 60 fps. It looks fake.

This... this is the greatest... I have never seen this before, and now I know what I want to do with my $20 bill.

It’s too bad that it’s so broken, but hey, I found a DLC pack for you:

Daaaaaamn, son. Even the stuff she was involved in gets wiped? Here in America, celebs are expected to be druggies, and pro athletes are given a small vacation when they straight up murder someone.

I wish there was a way to opt out of 60 fps. It just looks so... fake.

Gotta admit, even though the game looks beyond beautiful and like it should have an amazing story, I couldn’t suppress a fit of laughter when the title “Detroit” popped up on screen.

Collect your belongings from the cloakroom, ya’ll.

What it doesn’t have is anything that even comes close to being called an ending.

I really want to play Tribal & Error, and I already hope they are successful enough to make a sequel about going to an alien planet.

A devout christian friend of mine with whom I went to college has been becoming increasingly involved in the “Young Republican” movements in TN. After the last shooting, I shit you not, she posted on Facebook that, “Jesus would want you to buy a guy and protect your home.”

Speaking of which, can we open up a dialogue

Would’ve been cool if he had been listed as John, but I understand.