Now to cosplay the Doof Warrior.
Now to cosplay the Doof Warrior.
Undoubtedly, but you’ve gotta admit, being the guy whose name is on 40% of the documents found in bin Laden’s compound might make you rather... unwelcome, in many circles.
I want to see Scorch and Fang from LV2
- Art Education: The Journal of National Art Education Association, “Islamic Art as an Educational Tool about the Teaching of Islam” by Fayeq S. Oweiss (March 2002)
I’m no doctor, but I believe that’s the clinically appropriate response.
The most painful part of said sequel: the fact that they would have chosen to create it instead of Warcraft 4.
They took away Gazlowe’s hat, too!
Still Japanese! I have no idea what’s going on, but they look so happy, and they sometimes bring me stuff!
“World of Warcraft 2: This Time, We Have a Dance Studio”
2 words: Dance. Studio.
It’s so catchy and uplifting!
I hope she shows up again, too. Furiosa is a friggin baller.
The fat cat keeps eating all of my food!!
I mean, just about everyone’s ass gets kicked. I don’t think an ass goes unkicked. Any asses unkicked are implied to have future ass-kickings.
Saw it in 2D, too, and it was friggin INSANE.
It has a badass female lead character with a robotic arm who gets shit done. You can’t go wrong with that. She’s now on my list of fucking heroes.
Dude, the fight combos? The thudding three shots into the dirt? The entire flow of the fight itself?
This movie has me so PUMPED!
I watched it days ago and am still on an adrenaline high!
Nooooo I want a real chocoboooo! :(