If I had a backpack like that in grade school, I’d be the coolest motherfucker in town. Everyone would share their Lunchables with me.
If I had a backpack like that in grade school, I’d be the coolest motherfucker in town. Everyone would share their Lunchables with me.
“Hyper-Turbo Edition”
Duuude, and the Dumb & Dumber tuxedos? I lol’ed when I caught it.
Yeah man, it keeps getting better as the show goes on.
Man, I’m preeeeetty sure Tree Hugger was high as a kite the whole time.
What deity did he piss off?
I’m still waiting for At the Mountains of Madness :(
My reaction to the State of Decay clip:
For how much I hate Destiny...... this vid is great, lol
I blame pent-up pun-xiety from all these years of denying the cow level and never getting the chance to use them.
He’s got biceps to spare!
There are SO MANY PUNS in this post.
No one fights like Gaston!
Man, why can’t they make another Ogre Battle?
(sry sry, off topic, but I saw your avatar and got both excited and angry at the same time)
Ugh... Sake Poptart and Comic Sans need to die in a fire while romantically holding each other in a warm (hah) embrace.
It reminds me of the deku-stick exploit in Ocarina
Some speedrunner somewhere is going to figure out out to turn that Bloodborne glitch into an exploit.
I like how the heroes say something silly when your team gets wiped. I mean, yeah, it sucks that you just got wrecked, but the little lines of dialogue ease the pain a bit, like Falstad’s, “One, two, three, uh... yep... that’s all of us.”