Crazy Tom

Noticing that, I bet it was removed due to legal worries from Nintendo. They probably wanted a “generic controller” photo, but with the N64’s controller being so recognizable even without the L/R buttons, they had to take it down or risk a lawsuit.

Reeegiiiieeee!! Lol, he is the best.

What if Darwin is a villain employed by the Templars to fabricate the theory of evolution in order to cover up the AC version of creation? Man, creationists will be all over this game.

Oh, cool, so the PlayStation TV is legit? I’ve never been able to ask anyone about it.

Oh, cool, so the PlayStation TV is legit? I’ve never been able to ask anyone about it.

Cool, thanks for the reassurance. I’ve never bought from them before, a friend alerted me to the deal (“Buy this shit so we can play together!”), and was a little nervous that I would get a scratched-up disc.

Cool, thanks for the reassurance. I’ve never bought from them before, a friend alerted me to the deal (“Buy this

Oh, btw, not sure if you guys brought it up in a past post, but a used copy of Evolve is only $20 on Gamefly’s store right now. Totes pick that up, ya’ll, I’m not sure if it’s a limited-time thing or what.

Oh, btw, not sure if you guys brought it up in a past post, but a used copy of Evolve is only $20 on Gamefly’s store

Was anyone else really weirded out by Kael’s dance? Like, not really for the silly moves, but the fact that Kael is doing something... happy. Dude’s been pissed off for about as long as Illidan (ok ok, maybe not with... THE HATRED OF TEN THOUSAND YEARS, but still), it’s really weird to see him not angry.

“Alright, somebody do a Google search of the 1800s, what are the first two main topics that pop up?”

“Uhh... I’m getting Darwin’s theory of evolution, and a bunch of novels by Charles Dickens.”


The one with the fire drill, from oly0015:

Man, I was hoping to see some of your drawings as a kid, Brian!

MURKY CAN DIE IN A FIRE THAT SON OF A GRARGGLEBALRH—- *storms off to rant in a corner*

Woah woah, now, don’t go rustlin’ people’s jimmies.

Now playing

And Tree Trunks! Give it to her straight!

It’s, like, a fake, tiny, silent girlfriend, and that’s about it. You can sure as hell guarantee that any guy who brings a girl over with this sitting on their desk won’t be getting a second-date.

Ahhhh shoot, so I know I just commented on how awesome it is for Ganon to be suited up, but...

C’moooon maaan, with a 2-button suit, you never button the bottom button.

I love that these guys are bros, and that Ganon is always looking so sharp.

Well, they’ve been practicing their shovelware technique. They even dedicated an entire console to it. Maybe they’ll be ready for the barrage of mediocrity that is the mobile app market.

Also, I wonder how heavy-handed they’ll be when it comes to hunting down the companies that make clones of their games.

I mean, in the realm of their universe, they’re totally right. But still. The reference had to be made.

Yeaaah, I couldn’t help myself, though :P
