Crazy Tom

With your account down, I guess Snow is snow more.

I wish they would add bangaas as a playable race.

Rule 4 - Fight on the flag. Always fight on the flag.

Lololol didn’t see him in the background!

Bloodborne: a game in which everyone discovers their own personal war cry.


Add it to the list with Children of Morta and Moon Hunters.

I’ve started hearing myself say, “SIT THE FUCK DOWN” when doing a visceral counter in Bloodborne, especially against werewolves and aggressive hunters (Father G, for one).

I miss game manuals. I miss them so much.

I remember, when we would purchase a new game, my brothers and I would take turns reading the game manual on the car ride back home. It was always an exciting experience to read about the game and the characters before ever turning it on. You have so much connection to the

Gaaaahhhh this is my life dream!

“Tina Amini shared this post” Lololololololol

So I tried raising the little bastards.

Woke them up, fed them food, kept friggin Andy away from the faulty electric socket. I was worried the little buggers would choke on their breakfast the entire time, but thankfully, they ate their pixellated meals without any trouble.

I then needed to take them out into the

This is kinda interesting:

Welcome to Kotaku!

So, I guess first thing’s first: which starter Pokemon would you choose? What’s your fave game series? Do you roll heal, tank, or dps spec? And who do you main in Smash?

Looks like they got Este-boned.

He just needs some, ehem, “enhancements”.

Everyone keeps talking about boob jiggle physics, but I think the more important question here is if Squeenix will go full-progressive and finally give the fans what they didn’t know they wanted all along:

Kuja jiggle physics.

Shhhh, don’t say its name! If we never talk about it, it might cease to exist!

Maaaaan why can’t HotS allow custom-crafted skins...

Shots fired!

Yeah boss, I’m totes with you on this. And, I guess for those who argue that matches go too long, why not pump up the knockout ratio to x1.5? That usually brings the knockout percentage down from 150-160-ish to maybe 100-120-ish, like the older games.