Crazy Tom

I’ve gotta disagree here. There four main things that separate HotS from the other MOBAs is what makes it a strong contender to play the game to the end:
1) Team-wide exp
2) No gold/item system (both of which you mentioned)
3) Mercenary camps
4) Map Mechanics
5) Long late-game respawn timers

I mean, I get it. Every once in

Bad. Ass. Reminds me so much of Dark Souls.

Oh man, Blizz April 1 patch notes are an annual tradition. Might I also suggest the Hearthstone patch notes?

So, if you win, do you steal the other human player’s card?

Please don’t say this is a prank. I’ve been wanting this to become reality for so long, even if it’s (currently) only in Japan.

This dropped right at midnight EST last night and it caught me way off guard. I started a match and was all "WTF is happening??"

I always love Blizzard's April Fools Jokes, mostly because they do one for each of their games.

The Hearthstone patch notes are hilarious ("Playing Feign Death after playing Unleash the Hounds will now result in good dogs. Yes they are! They are such good dogs.") and theHeroes of the Storm Big Head Mode took me

This game... so good. Can't agree with Fahey more. The music is, by far, the best part.

To anyone interested in a second opinion, my friends and I got our hands on a review copy and discussed it in our podcast. We even had a one-on-one interview with Tom to chat a bit about his thoughts on the game.

The episode is over

Actually, it's along the mindset of "hate begets hate," and serves as a criticism of stereotypical portrayal of the gamer crowd, which, in more reasonable terms, Duchess of Dork has responded to by saying it's becoming a bit of an outdated image, anyway, with games and nerd-culture becoming more mainstream.

And ice cream!


Yeah dude, completely with you on this.

Fine, the funny joke goes, "The first word written on the internet was, 'Hello,' which was immediately followed by, 'Fuck you.'" But we're no longer in the romantic discovery of worldwide interconnection. It's kind of time people, I dunno, grow up?

Hmm, true, I mean, just look at the success of The Avengers and Guardians, or, like you mentioned, the big AAA game companies. Maybe it isn't an issue of society as a whole.

Blame the bard, because why not? If she/he would've taken more responsibility and rolled a tank/healer in the first place, then I wouldn't have had to do it, leading to this awful outcome.

Yes, 100% the bard's stupid fault.

I'm with you here.

We're gamers. We solve puzzles, figure stuff out, and help people (albeit virtual) on a regular basis. I kind of wish someone with a louder voice (Kotaku, IGN, heck, even Gamespot) would open up a legit discussion about what we as a collective people can do to put a stop to this and improve the

Now Tom Nook can own your soul in real life, too!

I blame the rogue. Always blame the rogue. Always.

So true, gah. This game... friggin... it's like an abusive relationship, and I just keep coming back.

Man, with all these crossovers that MK is doing, I want to see the Bloodborne guy as an available fighter.