Dude, they are MEAN at level 50. And I feel you about the scarcity thing. It's so dumb. I just want the Villager so I can play with him and watch him fight, not to keep it on a damn shelf, collecting dust and "value."
Dude, they are MEAN at level 50. And I feel you about the scarcity thing. It's so dumb. I just want the Villager so I can play with him and watch him fight, not to keep it on a damn shelf, collecting dust and "value."
Guy needs to change his name to Orpheus.
The horrible grammar only adds to it, too.
Ah! Yes! Thank you!
For anyone else wondering, here's a little extra reading: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/…
Ol' Azzy is an actual threat, though. Gotta watch that guy.
Thank you. I'm glad somebody else is saying it.
Can... um, can I chime in?
NASA is totes working on a warp drive right now. In theory, it's possible.
So, yeah, not really, you know, anything useful to say here, I'm just really excited about space.
"Sparky, no! Don't fight the big buildings alone!"
Literally every time I play with someone new, I tell them that mercs and mechanics win the game. Teamfights are only useful for late-game rez timers.
Man, that would have been the best. Opportunity missed, sexbot.
Sure. That makes me feel better about it.
Offworld came across the amusing oddity, which you play by texting an actual phone number (text ";)" to 669 333-SEXT to begin) and sending awkward pictures to. Here's how it works:
Is that Chris Person narrating?
Holy frick, Uematsu did the OST for this?
Yep, I just checked, my wallet has magically appeared beside me. I am no longer responsible for my actions, I am merely a victim of circumstance.