Crazy Tom

When I upgraded to a new comp, I rolled with SC2 at Ultra Settings. Having previously been only able to play at the lowest settings (and only for brief moments of time before my comp would overheat), I was utterly blown away.

I've never felt more powerful in my life.

Interesting, I wonder if it would have more to do with issues of feminism rather than explicit content. Or, maybe it's exactly what they're saying: they just didn't like the line and took it out to move things along.
Either way, this game was kickin. By far, my favorite line:

For the ultimate proof of your victory over others, shoot them in the design of a penis. Yes, it's juvenile, but they will always remember you.

Has anybody tried using one of these like a giant tablet? Like, take it to Starbucks, sit next to people using iPads, and do your work like that?

*Edit - Oh shoot, just read the entry for the XPS 18. Nevamind, ya'll. Nevamind.


I wish I had a Heaven Sward. It sounds super fancy.


Los Angeles just the way I like it: without any traffic.

I always liked how, in Shadow of the Colossus, you could feel Wander's grip as he climbed (which, thinking about it, was a more important mechanic than walking in that game).

Lol, actually, I think SotC passes almost all of the checks here.

1. Momentum to Reward: Hold on tight as the colossi waggle and shake, then, when

Lol, spot-on, actually, and yeah, some of them are definitely more "anime-ish" than others. Sounds like you enjoy Takahata's work more than Miyazaki's. Miyazaki is the more fairy-tale-type storyteller, whereas Takahata's hit home with the realism.

If you haven't seen Grave of the Fireflies, I would recommend it.

I'd argue that the word "anime" is loaded in English, too, which could explain why Studio Ghibli anime are often referred to as "Ghibli movies" or "Ghibli films" in English. It's a way for English speakers to separate them from the baggage of anime. Not everyone does this, though.

Can we expect any vids of a Kotaku band?

Pick a fucking product and stick with it already. It does nothing for consumer confidence to watch this brand shift each year into something new, and it annoys the shit out of me.

Hinshin a go-go, baby!

Good effort, though. A+

Nope, just derp-face

If Frieza laughs by going "Wahahaha!" in this movie, I'm done.

Pretty soon, we'll start seeing the Unreal logo pop up at the start of movies.

At least, sooner than we'll see the Valve guy pop up at the start of a new Half Life game (heyooo!!)

This makes me want a new Lost Vikings game. It's cool to see the trio show up in Heroes of the Storm, but now I want a full game.

Lol, thinking about it, I don't think I ever had to worry about mirrors where I worked, we just had a little backroom for changing. What sucked, though, was when it was my turn to be the "guide." I worked at a zoo, and we had to do a buddy system (mascot/guide) so that kids wouldn't do stupid stuff to the mascot. I