I dunno, man. Something primal inside me starts screaming that there is something unnatural about them. I even worked as a mascot at one point in time. I can't be in the same room as one.
I dunno, man. Something primal inside me starts screaming that there is something unnatural about them. I even worked as a mascot at one point in time. I can't be in the same room as one.
Did you know animatronic animals are terrifying? Robots I can handle, but the moment you start dressing them up in the trappings of flesh-and-blood animals, I'm out. That goes for children's pizza party mascots, Furbys and Tickle Me Elmos. If it has eyes and fur but no soul, no thank you.
Reminds me of the movie Going by the Book (I know, I know—South Korean, not Japanese), where the cops take their job so seriously that not even the Google car is immune to the ban-hammer.
You know, I bet the story of these two traffic cops could make for a fun movie.
"White Light" by Superfly
It feels like that's the difficult balancing point, especially for stories that are part of a series. For a single story/movie/video game, it's easy to leave it as a mystery (like a campfire ghost-story). But when you have sequels/multiple episodes, your audience is going to want something solid to add to the…
One of my favorite parts in Resident Evil was the way they revealed the military nature of the zombies (and various beasts) in the image preparation room (or visual data room). The slides on the projector allowed us to figure out what happened on our own. I was surprised a similar projection room existed in Sweet Home…
I dunno, man. I'm so burnt out on fighting Fox/Sheik/Falcon, I simply don't do it anymore. I'll suicide and find a better opponent. I'd take getting my ass handed to me by someone who knows how to really rock Robin over having to watch a stupid Fox throw-upkick-juggle again.
I think that's one of the strongest points of Smash. Other fighters do a great job of prioritizing 1/v/1 in a safe environment, your focal point being a single target. Smash, however, forces you to focus on everything, to feel the stage, the incoming hazards, the items dropped and where they're located, the stupid…
One of these for Smash Bros: "No Fox"
Boom. Done. Half the pro population is reduced to children tapping buttons.
You know, I've never 100% completed the Great Cave Offensive. I think that's on my to-do list now, lol
Aaaaand I just bought the Wii U virtual console version. /highfive
Some of my fondest sibling moments are with this game
The art style and the speed. That's what all the others really lack compared to it.
Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts's combat system, which isn't a bad thing. Excited to try out that warping stuff.
"Myah, see! I'm gonna take this here boat, see! And there's nothing you're gonna do to stop me!"
I imagine the little critter's name is Mugsy
Well, I guess that's mostly true, but that's also just concerning regular gameplay.