Crazy Tom

So, on the retro-gaming side of things, does this greatly reduce the collector's value of these games (and, I guess, this generation of gaming in general)?

For example, the NES came out nearly 30 years ago, and the Atari hit the shelves over 40 years ago, and yet these games are playable to this date (provided, of

Just don't let this holiday sneak up on you.

Ahhh, gotcha, so something along the lines of, "If you're going to make Link female, there needs to be a good reason behind it." I'd be down with that. If it was going to be cannon, there would most likely need to be some kind of definitive reason and consequences for there being a female hero, especially since the

Actually, I want a female Link because A) she's probably hot, and B) I like options. The open-world Zelda would be the best to implement this because, from the way it sounds, this game wants to emphasize freedom. What's more freeing than choosing your player character?

Yeah man, they totally teach you to follow the rule "Form follows function," and that every room has its own personal purpose.

Actually, Link would be easy to gender-swap with little consequence. Using Halo and Half-Life as examples would be like swapping the Link in Majora, it would be ultra confusing because it's the same human being. Yet every other Link could easily swap with no big deal.

Also, imagine how great of a twist that could be!

Lol, college papers are always about the weirdest topics.

But yeah man, I totally feel you. There are only a few instances (Ocarina, Skyward) where Link being male makes a difference (romantic tension). And then, there's Majora, which needed a male Link simply because it was the same guy from Ocarina. Yet past that,

I'd bet he'd make a killer D&D DM.

Also, how cool would it be if they really challenged the Zelda orthodoxy and, in the upcoming open-world Zelda, let you choose to be either a male or female Link?

Maybe focus entirely on the pixel art, then, and use that as a starting point. Build a portfolio, start your own personal, simple blog where you highlight your own work (like a photographer does theirs). Have different categories: character work, props, scenery. Then, market yourself to not only game devs, but also


You do realize that "Freedom of Speech" is an idea that isn't limited to America, right? That other countries also have legal documents explicitly stating that FoS should not be infringed upon by the government?…

And yes, the xkcd comic is relevant. Legally, they can

Hah, the Vulture was already pretty post-apoc, but these are kickin! It's too bad he didn't do a Goliath.

This is going to be such a bro-tastic adventure. I. Can't. Wait!


So sick of Fox, Fox, Fox, Shiek, Fox, Falcon, Shiek lineup. It's so boring.


I think so? Wanna come over and play some Smash Bros or something? We could grab a pizza

I think your take on Link is what makes MM so different from the rest of the Zelda lineup. Link as the determined challenger is what fuels every other Link: he takes up his uncle's sword in LttP to continue a fight that's bigger than him, he's just a "dumb kid" in Wind Waker who, through his determination and grit,

If you've not played it in a while, or haven't played it at all, Majora's Mask's sadness is striking. Small things remind you that this is not the same brave little Link from Ocarina of Time; this time he's a child with the weight of experience of a grown man, a boy who grew up, saved the world, and then was returned

And there was much rejoicing!