Given that contrasting colour schemes are the ones that tend to look the strongest, the shades opposite orange on the colour wheel are...teal. So if one of your most prominent colours is orange, then it stands you should make the other blue.
Only as long as they still have that sick guitar solo. Imagine, everything's going to hell, the Kaiju is kicking ass, but then they say, "Fuck this," and the riff plays. I'd stand up and cheer.
The game's AI system, called A-Life, is easily one of the most complex AI systems in a game, and it goes a long way towards making the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games' worlds feel richer and more alive than any other series out there. Many times, I've stumbled across remains of battles that happened long before I arrived, and,…
Strange, right? Personally, I was hoping for one of Zidane's daggers.
I think he might've been one of the first characters I ever detested. I mean, bad guys are bad guys, you expect to not like Bowser or Ganon, and you run into him before Kefka takes the all-time-most-evil villain award, but gah. Stupid Ultross.
Also, the fact that his brief appearance majorly affects the story mixed…
Wish they would sell off Team Ico. Maybe then we'd finally get The Last Guardian.
This is so much better to watch with Spanish-speaking commentators. I don't know why, but it's much better than if it were in English.
Thanks man! I've been needing to play against people better than me (in a non-laggy environment). There's only so much you can learn through playing CPUs.
It's been approved and canceled so many times, I don't even know what's going on with it. It, along with The Dark Tower, keep getting stuck in development hell.
One day... one day...
Nice. Do you need sponsorship to enter these, or are they usually open entry?
It's a tough read, Lovecraft is extremely dense in his prose. Yet I think the idea of it being a travel log is what makes it exciting to many readers, kind of like an introspective version of Indiana Jones. The slow build of "something terribly wrong is happening here..." that turns into, "Something more powerful than…
Man oh man, I wish Guillermo del Toro would finally complete "At the Mountains of Madness."
Kickin, thanks
Where do you find out about these kinds of tournaments? And where do you sign up?
Kojima is the best at "not" announcing things. Every time he speaks, it's like he's crafted a puzzle for everyone to try and solve. He would be the best D&D DM to ever run a campaign.