
Or you could just stay home and watch Planes, Trains & Automobiles instead...

Whoever included this on the list of most overrated cars has never driven one. 

So, yeah, people should think for awhile before signing a contract with a shitty contractor. Brilliant advice John.

Not this shit again. AH, the beautiful UP, where unemployment is the #1 employer. They tried, they failed. AND LAY OFF THE GIVE IT BACK TO CHEESELAND!!! Yall were not even a territory when the area was given to Michigan THE STATE.

Indeed, I enjoyed that show way more than I thought I would. It has a similar vibe to what Stranger Things wants to be but is ultimately way more interesting and substantial (while Stranger Things just leaned more into its one defining note).

I mean, I will always be waiting for it, but sadly it has been cancelled, and thoroughly enough that it seems assured it isn’t some kind of hoax by the producers.

I know I shouldn’t be surprised by how callous both governments and corporations are towards the people living and working under them, but holy crap that’s awful.

Holy. Shit. I am not well versed in the seafarer and shipping world but this has been eye opening. I cannot believe crews are abandoned so completely they cannot escape their situations. I started reading up on it and this happens all over the world even in the U.S. which really blew my mind. Seemingly the U.S. does a

Or you tell them what I told my nephew when he was spouting Qanon shit:

My high school experience was such that no one has photos of me. I was on the “quiet loner” track. 

Over the past 40 or so years, our country has deferred maintenance on the road system because taxes bad, gas must be cheap and freedom. We’ve also systematically cut almost all the strings to our safety nets, deregulated everything we could get away with and what we’ve ended up with is a world where honestly, Trucks

I’m so tired of grocery delivery. As a very immuno-compromised person who hasn’t set foot in a grocery store since March, I’ve been seriously contemplating making a trip out again. Drove over to the store the other day, saw two guys walking in without a mask in sight, a woman and a man coming out with masks pulled

Anyone that knows that Milwaukee is the only major city to elect 3 socialist mayors can’t be bad!

I remember an old joke from a comedian who got pulled over for speeding in Montana and the fine was $5. He said, here’s a $50, I’m going to speed through the whole state.

Montana doesn’t mess around with cold. I had a friend who lived in Kalispell and I used to check the weather; 25 below zero wasn’t unheard of. Of course, that was in 2004; seems like everything is warming up now.

Of course I was being sarcastic since everyone knows the truths is..

I suspect we will see it as a requirement for schools next year.

Good article. Also, both the vaccine makers trials had over 30k participants, so it’s not like they only tested it on a few people. (Andrew Wakefields rigged study that is the source of all the antivax fear had a sample size of...12).

Bill Gates had the vaccine ready to go,with its tracking/mind control chip,before he started spreading this fake virus with 5G.

My wife was a nurse on an IMCU, here in the suburbs just north of Seattle where the virus was first detected in the states.